You must stay in this room. |
oo dweh Reteh naa shaan saa |
Ou dwe rete nan chann sa a |
You must not smoke. |
pee gaa oo feemeh |
Pi ga ou fimen |
We have to cut your hair off here. |
seh poo noo koopeh sheveh oo laa |
Se pou nou koupe cheve ou la a |
You may get up to go to the toilet. |
oo teh met leveh aleh naa twaalet laa |
Ou te met leve ale nan twalet la |
We cannot give you anything to eat or drink. |
noo paa kaa baa oo ayeh poo maazheh ak bweh |
Nou pa ka ba ou anyen pou manje ak bwè |