Do you understand this language? |
kanaah ga-ney har-shen? |
Kana gane harshen? |
We are here to help you. |
moon zow ney don moo tay-makey ka |
Mun zo ne don mu taimake ka |
I do not understand your language. |
ba-na jen yah-renka |
Bana jin yarenka |
There is no one available who speaks this language. |
bah wanda key jen yah-ren a nan |
Ba wanda ke jin yaren a nan |
Try to answer my questions with "yes" or "no." |
yee Ko-Ka-ree ka amsa men tam-ba-yow-yeena da "eh" ko "ah ah" |
Yi ƙoƙari ka amsa min tambayoyina da "eh" ko "a'a" |