Please wait for an interpreter. |
agooraayka maan tee maaysa ng-a mang-eepaataarus |
Agurayka man ti maysa nga mangipatarus |
Please turn off your camera. |
eedepem maan taa kaamiram |
Iddepem man ta kameram |
Please turn off your recorder. |
eedepem maan tee reekordermo |
Iddepem man ta rekordermo |
Here is a copy of our ground rules. |
aadaa deetoy tee kopeeya daageetee na-eetaakdang aa |
Adda ditoy ti kopia dagiti naitakdang a pagannurutantayo |
Sign here if you agree to follow the ground rules. |
pirmaa-am deetoy noo koomaanoonong-kaa ng-a soomorot daageetee ney-eetaakdaang aa pagaanoorotan |
Pirmaam ditoy no kumanonongka nga sumurot dagiti naitakdang a pagannurutan |
This is not the public affairs office. |
sa-aan aa poobliko ng-a opeeseenaa tee paagrebing-an daaytoy |
Saan a publiko nga opisina ti pagrebbengan daytoy |
I am not an official spokesperson. |
sa-aanak ng-a opishyaal aa tagapagsa-o |
Saanak nga opisial a tagapagsao |
He does not wish to give an interview. |
deena ng-a kaaleekagooman tee mang-ted tee eenterbyoo |
Dina nga kalikaguman ti mangted ti interbio |
She does not wish to give an interview. |
deena ng-a kaaleekagooman tee mang-ted tee eenterbyoo |
Dina nga kalikaguman ti mangted ti interbio |
Do not take photos here. |
deeka agal-aala tee retraato deetoy |
Dika agal-ala ti retrato ditoy |
Do not take videos here. |
deeka agal-aala tee bibeedyo deetoy |
Dika agal-ala ti bibidyo ditoy |
Do not take photos of this place. |
deeka agal-aala tee retretraato tee daaytoy aa loogar |
Dika agal-ala ti retretrato ti daytoy a lugar |
Do not take videos of this place. |
deeka agal-aala tee bibeedyo tee daaytoy aa loogar |
Dika agal-ala ti bidbidyo ti daytoy a lugar |
Do not take photos of this piece of equipment. |
deeka agal-aala tee retretraato tee daaytoy aa paaset tee aaleekaamen |
Dika agal-ala ti retretrato ti daytoy a paset ti alikamen |
Do not take videos of this piece of equipment. |
deeka agal-aala tee bibeedyo tee daaytoy aa paaset tee aaleekaamen |
Dika agal-ala ti bidbidyo ti daytoy a paset ti alikamen |
You cannot enter this area now. |
deeka maabalin aa soomrek tee daaytoy aa loogar eetaataa |
Dika mabalin a sumrek ti daytoy a lugar itatta |
For security reasons, I cannot address this question. |
gapoo daageetee paagtaalgedan, djyaak maabalin ng-a saareetaa-in daaytoy aa saaludsod |
Gapu dagiti pagtalgedan, diak mabalin nga saritaen daytoy a saludsod |
I cannot address that question until the investigation is finished. |
djyaak maabalin ng-a saareetaa-in daayta aa saaludsod ing-gaanat malpaas tee imbestigaashyon |
Diak mabalin nga saritaen dayta a saludsod inggana’t malpas ti imbestigasion |
We do not discuss personnel or equipment strength with the media. |
deemee saalaysaayen tee paampaapigsa tee taa-owan weno aaleekaamen kadageetee medjya |
Dimi salaysayen ti pampapigsa ti taoan wenno alikamen kadagiti medya |
We do not discuss future operations with the media. |
deemee saalaysaayen tee maasang-waanan ng-a op-operaashyon kadageetee medjya |
Dimi salaysayen ti masangwanan nga op-operasion kadagiti medya |
We do not discuss nuclear operations with the media. |
deemee saalaysaayen tee op-operaashyon aa nooklaar kadageetee medjya |
Dimi salaysayen ti op-operasion a nuklar kadagiti medya |
We do not discuss chemical operations with the media. |
deemee saalaysaayen tee op-operaashyon aa keemeeko kadageetee medjya |
Dimi salaysayen ti op-operasion a kimiko kadagiti medya |
We do not discuss biological operations with the media. |
deemee saalaysaayen tee op-operaashyon aa beeyoloheeko kadageetee medjya |
Dimi salaysayen ti op-operasion a biolohiko kadagiti medya |
We do not have information on this subject. |
awaan tee impormaashyonmee eetee daaytoy ng-a baanag |
Awan ti impormasionmi iti daytoy nga banag |
Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. |
dee ng-a mabaalin ng-a eeraakoorak daageetee nagnaagin ing-gaanat napaka-aamwaan daageetee kakabagyaan tee bikteema |
Di nga mabalin nga irakurak dagiti nagnagan inggana’t napakaammuan dagiti kakabaggian ti biktima |