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Play Button Who is in charge of repairing roads? Play Button siyaapah yaang mengehpahla-ee perbaykahn jaalahn? siapa yang mengepalai perbaikan jalan?
Play Button Do you have a map of this area? Play Button aapah andah poonyah petah daa-irah inee? apa anda punya peta daerah ini?
Play Button We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. Play Button kaamee aakan memberikahn bantoowan daalahm pembahngoonahn jalahn jalahn dee lokaasee inee kami akan memberikan bantuan dalam pembangunan jalan-jalan di lokasi ini
Play Button Can you provide a road map of this area? Play Button dapaatkah andah menyedeeyahkahn petah jaalahn dee daa-irah inee? dapatkah anda menyediakan peta jalan di daerah ini?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road building? Play Button aapah aada mesin untoo pembangoonahn jaalahn? apa ada mesin untuk pembangunan jalan?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road repairs? Play Button ahpah ahdah meseen untoo perbaaykan jahlahn? apa ada mesin untuk perbaikan jalan?
Play Button We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. Play Button kahmee haaroos mendeereekahn goodahng untoo menyeempahn baahahn-baahahn perbekaalahn dee daa-irah inee kami harus mendirikan gudang untuk menyimpan bahan-bahan perbekalan di daerah ini
Play Button Are there any railroad tracks in this area? Play Button ahpah ahdah jaalahn keretah aapee dee daa-irah inee? apa ada jalan kereta api di daerah ini?
Play Button Do you have transportation facilities in this area? Play Button ahpah ahdah fahseelitahs transportaasee dee daa-irah inee? apa ada fasilitas transportasi di daerah ini?
Play Button Are there any airports nearby? Play Button ahpah ahdah baandahr oodaarah dee dekaht sinee? apa ada bandar udara di dekat sini?
Play Button Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? Play Button ahpah ahdah landaasahn untoo kaapahl terbang kechil dekaht sinee? apa ada landasan untuk kapal terbang kecil di dekat sini?
Play Button Are there any pipelines in the area? Play Button ahpah ahdah saloorahn peepah dee daa-irah inee? apa ada saluran pipa di daerah ini?
Play Button Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? Play Button ahpah saloorahn peepah itoo dee-kelilingee oleh paagahr dee daa-irah inee? apa saluran pipa itu dikelilingi oleh pagar di daerah ini?
Play Button Is the traffic heavy in this area? Play Button ahpah laaloo lintahs dee daa-irah inee raamaay? apa lalu-lintas di daerah ini ramai?
Play Button Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? Play Button ahpah ahdah jahloor bees aato keretah aapee untoo bepergiyahn ke tempaht laayin? apa ada jalur bis atau kereta api untuk bepergian ke tempat lain?
Play Button Are there taxis? Play Button ahpah ahdah taaksee? apa ada taksi?
Play Button Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? Play Button ahpah jaalahn-jaalahn inee bersahjoo dee mooseem ding-in? apa jalan-jalan ini bersalju di musim dingin?
Play Button How many people own motor vehicles in this area? Play Button berahpah orang yaang mempoonyaay kendahraa-ahn bermotor dee daa-irah inee? berapa orang yang mempunyai kendaraan bermotor di daerah ini?
Play Button Are there trucking companies nearby? Play Button ahpah ahdah peroosahahn trook dee dekaht sinee? apa ada perusahan truk di dekat sini?
Play Button Do you have radio contact with people in other places? Play Button ahpah ahdah hooboongahn komooneekahsee raadiyo dengahn orang orang dee tempaht laayin? apa ada hubungan komunikasi radio dengan orang-orang di tempat lain?
Play Button Can you use these roads during the winter? Play Button dapaatkah andah moonaakahn jaalahn-jaalahn inee dee mooseem ding-in? dapatkah anda memakai jalan-jalan ini di musim dingin?
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