Does this feel normal? |
ahpah inee terasa normal? |
Apa ini terasa normal? |
Do this. |
choeba lakookan beginee |
Coba lakukan begini. |
Move your toes. |
gerra'kan jaree-jaree kakee andah |
Gerakkan jari-jari kaki Anda. |
Do you have numbness or tingling? |
ahpahkah andah merasa patee rahsa ahtawoo sepertee sesemootan? |
Apakah Anda merasa pati rasa atau seperti sesemutan? |
Where do you feel the numbness or tingling? |
dee mana andah merasa patee rahsa, ahtawoo sepertee sesemootan? |
Di mana Anda merasa pati rasa, atau seperti sesemutan? |
Did the numbness or tingling start today? |
ahpahkah patee rahsa ahtawoo rahsa sepertee sesemootan eetoo moolayee haree inee? |
Apakah pati rasa atau rasa seperti sesemutan itu mulai hari ini? |
How many days have you have the numbness or tingling? |
soodah berapa haree andah merasa patee rahsa, ahtawoo sepertee sesemootan? |
Sudah berapa hari Anda merasa pati rasa, atau seperti sesemutan? |
Do you feel weak? |
ahpahkah andah merasa lemah? |
Apakah Anda merasa lemah? |
Did the weakness start today? |
ahpahkah rahsa lemah eetoo mulayee haree inee? |
Apakah rasa lemah itu mulai hari ini? |
How many days have you had the weakness? |
sudah berapa haree andah merasa lemah? |
Sudah berapa hari Anda merasa lemah? |