Where can we purchase meat? |
imneyn nigdar nishtaree laHem? |
منين نگدر نشتري لحم؟ |
Where can we purchase vegetables and fruit? |
imneyn nigdar nishtaree imKhaDher wo fawaakeh? |
منين نگدر نشتري مخضر وفواكة؟ |
Where can we purchase bread and grains? |
imneyn nigdar nishtaree Khubuz oo Huboob? |
منين نگدر نشتري خبز وحبوب؟ |
Where can we purchase dairy products? |
imneyn nigdar nishtaree muntajaat il-albaan? |
منين نگدر نشتري منتجات الألبان؟ |
Where can we purchase water? |
imneyn nigdar nishtaree maay? |
منين نگدر نشتري ماي؟ |
We need to examine the herd. |
niHtaaj nufHaS il qaTee' |
نحتاج نفحص القطیع |
We need to examine the animals on the farm. |
niHtaaj nufHaS il Haywaanaat bil Haqil |
نحتاج نفحص الحيوانات بالحقل |
We need to inspect the slaughterhouse for sanitation. |
niHtaaj infatish il majzara lil wooqaaya iS SaHeeya |
نحتاج نفتش المجزرة للوقاية الصحية |
We need to inspect the bakery for sanitation. |
niHtaaj infatish il maKhbaz lil wooqaaya iS SaHeeya |
نحتاج نفتش المخبز للوقاية الصحية |
We need to inspect the dairy plant. |
niHtaaj infatish ma'mal il-albaan |
نحتاج نفتش معمل الألبان |
We need to inspect the poultry plant. |
niHtaaj infatish Haqil ad dawaajin |
نحتاج نفتش حقل الدواجن |
When was the last time these animals were inoculated? |
shwakit aaKhir mara itlaqaHat haaya il Haywaanaat? |
شوكت آخر مرة تلقحت هايه الحيوانات؟ |
Do they need to be vaccinated? |
tiHtaaj taT'eem? |
تحتاج تطعيم؟ |
We can provide vaccinations. |
iHna nigdar inwafer it taT'eem |
إحنا نگدر نوفر التطعيم |
This food is spoiled; please do not eat it. |
haaTha il akel Kharbaan, min faDhlek laa taakla |
هذا الأكل خربان، من فضلك لا تاكله |