Is there a medical facility nearby? |
akoo markez SaHee qareeb minaa? |
أكو مركز صحي قريب منا؟ |
Are there any doctors in the area? |
akoo ay Tabeeb bil manTeqa? |
أكو أي طبيب بالمنطقة؟ |
How many beds do you have at the medical facility? |
cham sareer 'idkum bil markez iS SaHee? |
چم سریر عندكم بالمركز الصحي؟ |
How many people work at the hospital? |
cham shaKheS yishtaghil bil mustashfa? |
چم شخص يشتغل بالمستشفى؟ |
How many nurses? |
cham mumariDh? / mumariDha? |
چم ممرض؟ / ممرضة؟ |
Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? |
akoo maraDh mu'dee bil manTeqa bil fatra il-aKheera? |
أكو مرض معدي بالمنطقة بالفترة الأخيرة؟ |
Is there a pharmacy? |
akoo Saydaleeya? |
أكو صيدلية؟ |
Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? |
akoo binaaya nigdar insaweehaa markez SaHee? |
أكو بناية نگدر نسويها مركز صحي؟ |
We would like to talk to people about immunization. |
inHib niHchee wiyaa in naas 'an il manaa'a |
نحب نحچي ويا الناس عن المناعة |
We would like to talk to people about sanitization. |
inHib niHchee wiyaa in naas 'an it ta'qeem |
نحب نحچي ويا الناس عن التعقيم |
Is there a medical emergency facility? |
akoo markez Tawaari SaHee? |
أكو مركز طوارئ صحي؟ |
We have to establish a safe working environment. |
laazim in-asis bee-a 'amal aamina |
لازم نأسس بيئة عمل آمنة |
We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. |
laazim in'ayin aTibaa ilhal markez |
لازم نعيّن أطباء لهالمركز |
We have to hire nurses for this facility. |
laazim in'ayin mumariDheen ilhal markez |
لازم نعيّن ممرضين لهالمركز |
We have to hire office personnel for this facility. |
laazim in'ayin muwaDhafeen ilhal markez |
لازم نعيّن موظفين لهالمركز |
We have to hire a custodian for this facility. |
laazim in'ayin mas-ool ilhal markez |
لازم نعيّن مسؤول لهالمركز |
Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? |
yigdar il markez il maHalee oo muwaDhafeeh yi'tinoon bil muSaabeen il Haaleeyeen belaa musaa'adat il-amreekaan? |
يگدر المركز المحلي وموظفيه يعتنون بالمصابين الحاليين بلا مساعدة الأمريكان؟ |
Is the local drinking water potable? |
il maay il maHalee SaaliH lil shurub? |
الماي المحلي صالح للشرب؟ |
Who determined that the water is potable? |
minoo ilee yiqarir il maay SaaleH lil shurub? |
منو إللي يقرر الماي صالح للشرب؟ |