Do you have pain in this joint I'm touching? |
'indak wija' ibhal mifSal ilee anee laazma? |
عِندك وجع بهالمفصل إللي آني لازمه؟ |
Do you have pain in any other joint? |
'indak wija' bil mafaSil il luKha? |
عِندك وجع بالمفاصل الُلخه؟ |
Which joint hurts the most? |
ya mofSal yoj'ak azyad? |
يا مُفصل يوجعك أزيَد؟ |
Do you have pain in this muscle I'm touching? |
'indak wija' ibhay il 'aDhala illee anee laazimha? |
عِندك وجع بهاي العضَلَة اللي آني لازمها؟ |
Do you have pain in any other muscle? |
'indak wija' ibay 'aDhalat luKh? |
عِندك وجع بأي عضَلَة لخ؟ |
Where is the muscle pain? |
wayn il wija' maalt il 'aDhala? |
وين الوِجَع مالت العَضَلَة؟ |
Is this muscle cramping? |
'indak tashanuj ibhay il 'aDhala? |
عندك تشَنُّج بهاي العَضَلَة؟ |
Have you ever had any broken bones? |
Saar 'indak ay kasir bil 'aDham? |
صارعندك أي كَسِر بالعظام؟ |
What bones have you broken? |
ya 'aDhaam inkesrit? |
يا عظام أنكسرت؟ |
Does it hurt when I do this? |
yoj'ak min asawee heechee? |
يوجعك من أسوّي هيچي؟ |
You need a cast to help the bone heal. |
tiHtaaj chips 'alamood yiltaHim il 'aDhum |
تِحتاج چپس علمود يلتحم العظم |
Do not remove the cast. |
latsheel ich chips |
لا تشيل الچپس |
Do not get the cast wet. |
latnaga' ich chips |
لَتنگع الچپس |
You need a splint to help the injury heal. |
yinraadlak jebeera 'alamood yiltaHim ij jaraH |
ينرادلك جبيرة علمود يلتحم الجرح |
You may take the splint off to clean yourself. |
tigdar itsheel ij jebeera Hata itnaDhif nafsak |
تِگدَر تِشيل الجبيرة حتى تنظّف نفسَك |
The splint must be replaced after you have cleaned yourself. |
badil ij jebeera wara matighsil |
بدل الجبيرة وَرَه ما تغسل |
You need a metal plate and screws to help the healing of your bone. |
yinraadlak qiT'at Hadeed wo baraaghee 'alamood tiltaHim 'aDhaamak |
ينرادلك قطعة حديد وبراغي علمود تلتحم عظامك |
We need to take you to the operating room to perform an operation on you. |
laazim naKhThak il ghurfat il 'amaliyaat Hata ysawoolak 'amaleeya |
لازم ناخذك لغرفة العمليّات حتى يسوولك عملية |