Do you speak English? |
inta tiHchi ingleezi? |
إنتَ تحچي إنگليزي؟ |
Do you haveā¦? |
'indak? |
عندك…؟ |
Where are the weapons? |
wayn hal-asliHa? |
وينها الأسلحة؟ |
Do you have weapons
of mass destruction? |
'indak asliHat damaar shaamil? |
عندك أسلحة دمار شامل؟ |
Do you have ammunition? |
shayil 'itaad? |
شايل عِتاد؟ |
How many others? |
cham waHid ba'ed? |
چم واحد بعد؟ |
Do you have water? |
'indak maay? |
عندك ماي؟ |
Where is the hide out? |
wayn al-maKhba? |
وين المخبأ؟ |
What is your job? |
shda-tishtughul? |
شدتشتغل؟ |
Where are the POWs? |
wayn-hum asra l-Harb? |
وينهم أسرى الحرب ؟ |
To which cell do you
belong? |
inta liyya jamaa'a tintimi?
إنتَ لياجماعة تنتمي؟ |
Do you have an ID card? |
'indak hawiyya? |
عندك هوية؟ |
Who are you? |
minu inta? |
منو إنتَ؟ |
Who is the leader? |
minu al-qaa-id malak? |
منو القائد مالك؟ |
Who is the captain? |
minu an-naqeeb? |
منو النقيب؟ |
Who is in charge? |
minu al-mas-ool malak? |
منو المسؤول مالك؟ |