How many people live in this area? |
mee un mo nu'H bpon maan nay uk roo uH nou dom bon niH? |
How many water wells do you have in this area? |
nay uk mee un ondoang dteuk bpon maan knong dom bon niH? |
Do you have a sewage system in this area? |
nay uk mee un bpror bpoa un loo dteuk som oy dtay knong dom bon niH? |
How far are the latrines from the water wells? |
bong goo un nou chngaa ee bpon maan bpee ondoang dteuk? |
What type of herds graze in this area? |
woang sut bpror payt naa see smao knong dom bon niH? |
What kind of electrical appliances do people use? |
bpror dup bpraW bpraH uk gee sa' nee baip naa klaH dail nay uk porng gay braW? |
Do you use electric stoves? |
nay uk bpraW jong graan uk gee sa' nee day? |
Have there been forest fires in the area? |
mee un dail mee un plUhng cheH bpray ee dtay knong dom bon niH? |
Are there any gas pipes around here? |
mee un bom bpoo ung o smun klaH dtay nou ma dom niH? |
Do you use gas to heat homes around here? |
nay uk bpraW o smun som rup gom dao ptay aH dtay nou ma dom niH? |
Is gas used for cooking? |
o smun bpraW som rup dum slor rœ? |
Do you use propane gas tanks? |
nay uk bpraW tu'ng o smun bproa payn dtay? |
Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? |
nay uk baan tu'ng o smun bproa payn moak bpee naa? |
Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? |
mee un nay uk naa dtroo ut bpee neut mUhl bpror dup bpraW bpraH bpraW o smun knong ptay aH dtay? |
Is there an electrician here? |
mee un jee ung uk gee sa' nee dtay nou dtee niH? |
Is it by sedimentation? |
wee a jee a gaa dtu'k ao ee roang? |
Where is the pumping station? |
sa taa nee boam nou ai naa? |
How many people are needed to keep the system functional? |
dtrou gaa mo nu'H bpon maan nay uk daWm bay dtu'k bpror bpoa un nu'H ao ee nou daW baan? |
We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. |
yUhng lœ taa mee un tloa up mee un bpugn nya haa klaH klaH neung dteuk som oy knong song gut niH |
Do you have indoor plumbing? |
nay uk mee un bom bpu'ng dteuk knong aa gee a dtay? |
Do you have any problems with your plumbing? |
nay uk mee un bpugn nya haa a way klaH dtay neung bom bpu'ng dteuk? |
Does your toilet work? |
bong goo un nay uk daW dtay? |
How many toilets do you have in the house? |
nay uk mee un bong goo un bpon maan nou knong ptay aH? |
Do you have a septic tank? |
nay uk mee un aang dtoa dtoo ul dteuk som oy dtay? |
Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? |
mee un nay uk naa aach jooh ju'l bom bpu'ng dteuk som oy nay uk baan dtay? |
Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? |
nay uk mee un baan dtay uk dtorng nay uk naa ma nay uk om bpee bpugn nya haa niH dtay? baW mee un, nay uk naa? |
When did you contact them? |
nay uk dtay uk dtorng gay bpee bpayl naa? |
I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. |
kinyom neung ree uy gaa rœ ung niH dtou tnuk lUh haW ee jum mUhl taa dtaW mee un a way dail yUhng aach twUh baan neung joo uh ju'l bpugn haa dteuk som oy niH |
We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. |
yUhng neung dtay uk dtorng grom hu'n dteuk som oy daWm bay roak ao ee deung taa a way klaH dail gom bpu'ng twUh daWm bay gai bpugn haa niH |