Is there a medical facility nearby? |
kachaawun goosey ooymoo jaangbeegaa itsumneeka? |
가짜운 곳에 의무 장비가 있습니까? |
Are there any doctors in the area? |
cheeyeogey ooysaaga itsumneeka? |
지역에 의사가 있습니까? |
How many beds do you have at the medical facility? |
ooymoo sheesaarey cheemdeyga myaatkey itsumneeka? |
의무 시설에 침대가 몇 개 있습니까? |
How many people work at the hospital? |
pyeong waaneysaa myon myeongee eelhamneeka? |
병원에서 몇 명이 일합니까? |
How many nurses? |
kanhosaaga myon myeong imneeka? |
간호사가 몇 명입니까? |
Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? |
choegeun ee cheeyeogey kamyeom euro een han pyeongee tonjeogee eesas-sumneeka? |
최근 이 지역에 감염으로 인한 병이 돈 적이 있었습니까? |
Is there a pharmacy? |
yagkoogee itsumneeka? |
약국이 있습니까? |
Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? |
weemoo seesareul saalcheehal keonmooree itsumneeka? |
의무 시설을 설치할 건물이 있습니까? |
We would like to talk to people about immunization. |
myeonyeogey tehey saramteulkwa eeyaagee hago sipsumneeda |
면역에 대해 사람들과 이야기 하고 싶습니다. |
We would like to talk to people about sanitization. |
saramteulkwa weesaengey tehey ee yagee hago sipsumneeda |
사람들과 위생에 대해 이야기하고 싶습니다. |
Is there a medical emergency facility? |
pyeongwan ung geup sheesaaree itsumneeka? |
병원 응급시설이 있습니까? |
We have to establish a safe working environment. |
anjaanhan chaa geop hwan gyongeul manduroya hamneeda. |
안전한 작업 환경을 만들어야 합니다. |
We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. |
ooyryo sheesaareul weehey ooysateureul koyong heyaaman hamneeda |
의료 시설을 위해 의사들을 고용해야만 합니다. |
We have to hire nurses for this facility. |
ee sheesaarey kanhosareul koyongheya hamneeda |
이 시설에 간호사를 고용해야 합니다. |
We have to hire office personnel for this facility. |
ee sheesaarey samoosil cheegwaaneul koyongheya hamneeda |
이 시설에 사무실 직원을 고용해야 합니다. |
We have to hire a custodian for this facility. |
ee sheesaarey kwal lee eeneul koyong heya hamneeda |
이 시설에 관리인을 고용해야 합니다. |
Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? |
ee sheesaarey meegook tdo ume opsee sasang jaareul tolbol sheesaalgwa eelyeogee itsumneeka? |
이 시설에 미국 도움없이 사상자를 돌볼 시설과 인력이 있습니까? |
Is the local drinking water potable? |
mashilsoo ineun mool imneeka? |
마실 수 있는 물입니까? |
Who determined that the water is potable? |
seeksooga maasheegeeye choktang hanjee nooga kyeolcheong hamneeka? |
식수가 마시기에 적당한지 누가 결정합니까? |