Do not stop if convoy is attacked! |
hosong chagaa kong kyeogeul tanghyado mamchujee maashiyo |
호송차가 공격을 당해도 멈추지 마시오. |
Drive a minimum of 3 kms before stopping. |
chungjeehaagee jeoney jeogeodo sam keeromeeteoreul unjaan hashiyo |
중지하기 전에 적어도 3키로미터를 운전하시오. |
Following distance is 100m on open highway. |
kosok toro eysaa teng meeteo jaangdo sa eereul tugo taraa gashiyo |
고속도로에서 100 미터 정도 사이를 두고 따라 가시오. |
Following distance is 50m in towns. |
sheeney saanun osheep meeteo joengto sa eereul tugo tara gashiyo |
시내에서는 50미터 정도 사이를 두고 따라 가시오. |
When stopped on the road, keep enough space between vehicles to drive around if required. |
keereysaa meomchul tey, peeryohamyeon charyang sa-eeye chungbunhan keoreereul tugo, unjeon hashiyo |
길에서 멈출때, 필요하면 차량 사이에 충분한 거리를 두고, 운전하시오. |
If you lose sight of the convoy, slow down and wait for a military truck to pass you, and follow it. |
hosong charul notcheemyeon, cheon cheonhee unjanhamyeonsaa, kundey teureogee oogeereul geedaareego, keu taa-eumey tara gashiyo |
호송차를 놓치면, 천천히 운전하면서, 군대 트럭이 오기를 기다리고, 그 다음에 따라가시오. |
No weapons. |
moogee aapseum |
무기 없음. |
No cell phone use. |
hyoodeypon sayong keumjee |
휴대폰 사용 금지. |
Do not throw food or water to the locals. |
eumseekwa mooreul keerey peoreejee maashiyo |
음식과 물을 길에 버리지 마시오. |
No littering or dumping trash on military camps or staging areas. |
kgunpudeyna soogyeong jeeye sseureygeereul tugeeha geona peoreejee mashiyo |
군부대나 숙영지에 쓰레기를 투기하거나 버리지 마시오. |
Go around any broken down truck in the convoy. |
hosong jung teureogee kojaang namyeon toraa gashiyo |
호송중 트럭이 고장나면 돌아 가시오. |
No flashing beacons. |
palgwang sheenhoneun andeym |
발광 신호는 안됨. |
Fuel vehicle every time vehicle stops. |
charyangee chaangjee maada chooyoo hashiyo |
차량이 정지마다 주유하시오. |
Food is provided at some military camps when available. |
teyteyro myeon myon pudey eysaa eumsheegee jegong toemneeda |
때때로 몇몇 부대에서 음식이 제공됩니다. |
Bring plenty of food and water with you. |
eumseekwa mooreul nognoghee kajeego gashiyo |
음식과 물을 넉넉히 가지고 가시오. |
If you have to stop for any reason and the convoy continues, wait for help from the military. |
aateon eeyoo eysaadun hosongeul meomchoo oyaa hamyeon, kundeyee tomeul keetaree shiyo |
어떤 이유에서든 호송을 멈추어야 하면, 군대의 도움을 기다리시오. |
They will escort you back into position. |
tangsheeneul teryeoda chulkeomneeda |
당신을 데려다 줄겁니다. |
No fighting or arguing with any other driver over position in convoy. |
hosong jungye aateon unjaan sahagoodo saa oogeona eonjeyng hajee mashiyo |
호송 중에 어떤 운전사하고도 싸우거나 언쟁하지 마시오. |
Drive in single file. |
eelyeol jongdeyro unjaen hashiyo. |
일렬 종대로 운전하시오. |
Be prepared to stop and assist broken down trucks. (Note: This is an instruction for bobtail drivers.) |
chaangjeehal junbeereul hago kojaangnan tureogeul toul chunbeereul hashiyo |
정지할 준비를 하고 고장난 트럭을 도울준비를하시오. |
Report any problems with other drivers to the convoy commander. |
tareun unjaanjaawa moonjeyga seyng geemyeon, hosong cheygeem jaa eygey pogo hashiyo |
다른 운전사와 문제가 생기면, 호송책임자에게 보고하시오. |
No drug or alcohol use while driving. |
unjaan jungey maayakwaa sul keumjee |
운전 중에 마약과 술 금지. |
Know how to change tires and have proper tools. |
taa ee ya pakuneun pangbeobeul algo, cheokjeorhan yeonjaangeul kaajeego itseushiyo |
다이야 바꾸는 방법을 알고, 적절한 연장을 가지고 있으시오. |
Loads, straps, chains, and tires are the drivers’ responsibility. |
soohamul, sonjaabee, cheyn geureego taayeeyanun unjaan sawee cheygim imneeda |
수하물, 손잡이, 체인 그리고 다이야는 운전사의 책임입니다. |
Check every time the convoy stops. |
hosong chagaa seoltey madaa jeomgeom hashiyo |
호송차가 설때마다 점검하시오. |