How many locals are there? |
chand Khalke naavKhoyee el werena? |
چهند خهلکێ ناڤخوهیی ل وێرێنه؟ |
How many refugees are there? |
chand panaahanda el werena? |
چهند پهناههنده ل وێرێنه؟ |
How many returnees are there? |
chand et zovraandee lo ewrena? |
چهند یێت زڤڕاندی ل وێرێنه؟ |
Who is the community leader? |
keeya sarparashteeya komale? |
کیه سهرپهرشتێ کۆمهڵێ؟ |
Who is responsible for food distribution? |
keeya barpirse balaavkirnaa Khowaarne? |
کیه بهرپڕسێ بهلاڤکرنا خوارنێ؟ |
Where is the local warehouse? |
kaane 'ambaaraa naafKhoyee |
کانێ عمبارا نافخوهیی؟ |
Is there a storage facility? |
'ambaaret kirekertin hana? |
عمبارێت کرێکرتن ههنه؟ |
Is this village used for secondary distribution? |
av gonda kaardet bo doobaara balaafkirne? |
ئهڤ گونده بکاردێت بو دووباره بهلافکرنێ؟ |
Which villages receive assistance from this village? |
che gondee yaarmatee wargirtana ezh ve gondee? |
چ گوندی یارمهتی وهرگرتنه ژ ڤێ گوندی؟ |
How many damaged houses in this village? |
chand Khaaneeyat eb zeeyaan hana el ve gondee? |
چهند خانیێت ب زیان ههنه ل ڤێ گوندی؟ |
How many unfinished houses in this village? |
chand Khaaneeyat na tamaamkiree hana el ve gondee? |
چهند خانیێت نه تهمامکری ههنه ل ڤێ گوندی؟ |
Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? |
baree aaloozeeye share nowe che zeeyaan gahaanda aavaaheeyaa? |
بهری ئالوزیێ شهرێ نوێ چ زیان گههانده ئاڤاهیا؟ |
Is there a school in the village? |
qootaabKhaana haya el goonee? |
قوتابخانه ههیه ل گوندی؟ |
Is there a mosque/church in the village? |
che mizgaft yaan der hana el goonee? |
چ مزگهڤت یان دێر ههنه ل گوندی؟ |
Is there a bakery? |
naanpezh haya el goondee? |
نانپێژ ههیه ل گوندی؟ |