How many people live in this area? |
chand kas el ve jahe dizhen? |
چهند کهس ل ڤێ جههی دژێن؟ |
How many water wells do you have in this area? |
chand beeret aave hana el ve jahee? |
چهند بیرێت ئاڤێ ههنه ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
Do you have a sewage system in this area? |
wa sistame psaave haya el ve jahee? |
وه سیستهمێ پساڤێ ههیه ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
How far are the latrines from the water wells? |
tawaalet chand deera ezh beeraa aave? |
تهوالێت چهند دیره ژ بیرا ئاڤێ؟ |
What type of herds graze in this area? |
che joret charaandne hana el ve jahee? |
چ جورێت چهراندنێ ههنه ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
Is there a veterinarian? |
pizshke bayetaree haya el vere? |
پزشکێ بهیتهری ههیه ل ڤێرێ؟ |
Are there any factories in the area? |
che kaarga hana el ve jahee? |
چ کارگه ههنه ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
Is there a river nearby? |
che reebaar har nezeek? |
چ ڕیبار ههنه نێزیک؟ |
Where do you get electricity from? |
kaharabaa wa zh keeva tet? |
کههرهبا وه ژ کیڤه تێت؟ |
Is there a power plant nearby? |
che kaargahet heze hana nezeek? |
چ کارگههێت هێزێ ههنه نێزیک؟ |
What kind of electrical appliances do people use? |
Khalak che jora aamert kaharabaayee bikaarneenin? |
خهلک چ جوره ئامێرت کههرهبایی بکاردینن؟ |
Do you use electric stoves? |
to zooyaa kaharubaayee bkaardeene? |
تو زویا کههرهبایی بکاردینێ؟ |
Have there been forest fires in the area? |
aagar bareeba zheengahe el ve jahee? |
ئاگر بهربیه ژینگههێ ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
Are there any gas pipes around here? |
che booreeyet gaaze hana doret vere? |
چ بوریێت گازێ ههنه دورێت ڤێرێ؟ |
Do you use gas to heat homes around here? |
hen gaaze bikaarneenin bo garmkraanaa Khneeyaa el dooreet vaaraa? |
هین گازێ بکاردینن بو گهرمکرانا خانیا ل دورێت ڤارا؟ |
Is gas used for cooking? |
gaaz bikaardet bo chekirnaa Khowaarne? |
گاز بکاردێت بو چێکرنا خوارنێ؟ |
Do you use propane gas tanks? |
heen taanket gaaze bikaardeenin? |
هین تانکێت گازێ بکاردینن؟ |
Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? |
heen taanket gaaze I zh keeva teenin? |
هین تانکێت گازێ ژ کیڤه تینن؟ |
Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? |
kas haya ko chaavderyaa aameeret gaaze bikat? |
کهس ههیه کو چاڤدێریا ئامیرێت گازێ بکت؟ |
Is there an electrician here? |
che kaharabaayee hana el vere? |
چ کههرهبائی ههنه ل ڤێرێ؟ |
Is there a water supply system to households? |
sistame aave haya bo maalbataa? |
سیستهمێ ئاڤێ ههیه بو مالباتا؟ |
Where is the facility located? |
binga el keeva ya? |
بنگه ل کیڤه یه؟ |
How many people operate the system? |
chand kas sistamee ebrevadibin? |
چهند کهس سیستهمی بڕێڤهدبن؟ |
Is it connected to other water supply systems? |
paywandee kireeya eb sistameet aave daan yet jahet dee? |
پهیوهندی کریه ب سیستهمێت ئاڤێ دان یت جههێت دی؟ |
Is it functional? |
kaardkat? |
کاردکت؟ |
Is it by sedimentation? |
eb neeshtaandne ya? |
ب نیشتاندنێ یه؟ |
Where is the pumping station? |
bingahe haleenjaanee el keva ya? |
بنگههێ ههلینجانی ل کیڤه یه؟ |
How many people are needed to keep the system functional? |
chand kas daven daa ko sistamee birevabin? |
چهند کهس دڤێن دا کو سیستهمی بڕێڤهبن؟ |
We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. |
ma waa golebeeya ko handak aaraayesh wet hana el peesaavaa el ve taaKhe |
مه وا گولێبییه کو ههندهک ئاریش وێت ههنه ل پیساڤا ل ڤێ تاخێ |
Do you have indoor plumbing? |
wa borbet zhorva hana? |
وه بوریێت ژۆڕڤه ههنه؟ |
Do you have any problems with your plumbing? |
wa che aaryesh hana el gal boreeyaa? |
وه چ ئاریش ههنه ل گهل بوڕیا؟ |
Does your toilet work? |
tawaaletaa wa kaardakat? |
تهوالێتا وه کاردکت؟ |
How many toilets do you have in the house? |
chand tawaalet wa hana el maal? |
چهند تهوالێت وه ههنه ل مال؟ |
Do you have a septic tank? |
wa taankaa peesaayee haya? |
وه تانکا پیسایێ ههیه؟ |
Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? |
kas haya boret psaave chekat? |
کهس ههیه بورێت پساڤێ چێکت؟ |
Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? |
ta paywandee eb kase kira bo ve aareeshe agar e keeya? |
ته پهیوهندێ ب کهسێ کره بو ڤێ ئاریشێ، ئهگهر ئه کیه؟ |
When did you contact them? |
kangee ta paywandee eb waan kir? |
کهنگی ته پهیوهندی ب وان کر؟ |
I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. |
az de reeporte hinerm saree daa bizaanin kas haya aarayshaa boreet pesaave chekat |
ئهز دێ ڕیپورتێ هنێرم سهری دا بزانن کهس ههیه ئاریشا بورێت پیساڤێ چێکت |
We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. |
am de paywandee kin eb kompaaneeya boreyet pesaave daa bizaanin kaa che kirna bo chekirnaa ve aareeshe |
ئهم دێ پهیوهندیێ کن ب کۆمپانیا بورێت پیساڤێ دا بزانن کا چ کرنه بو چێکرنا ڤێ ئارێشێ |