How many radios and TVs are in this area? |
chand raadeeyo talafzeeyon hana el ve jahee? |
چهند ڕادیوو تهلهفزیۆن ههنه ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
Do you have a radio station in this area? |
wa e-ezke raadeeyo haya el ve jahe? |
وه ئێزکێ ڕادیووێ ههیه ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
Do you have a TV station in the area? |
wa bingahe talafzeeyon haya el ve jahe? |
وه بنگههێ تهلهفزیونێ ههیه ل ڤێ جههی؟ |
Do you have a public announcement system? |
wa sistame baangawaazee balaafkrne haya? |
وه سیستهمێ بانگهوازی بهلافکرنێ ههیه؟ |
Where do you post announcements? |
heen aagadaaryaa eb kereeva dikin? |
هین ئاگهداریا ب کێرێڤهدکن؟ |
Is there a local newspaper? |
roozhnaamet naavKhoyee hana? |
ڕۆژنامێت نافخوهیی ههنه؟ |
Is there a news agency representative nearby? |
che neenaret peshkaaret dang o baasaa hana nezeek? |
چ نینهرێت پێشکارێت دهنگ وباسا ههنه نێزیک؟ |
Is there an information center? |
che santaret zaanyaaree hana? |
چ سهنتهرێت زانیاریێ ههنه؟ |
Do you receive fliers? |
balaavok bo ta ten? |
بهلاڤوک بو ته تێن؟ |
Who distribute the fliers? |
kee balaavookaa balaav dikat? |
کی بهلاڤوکا بهلاڤ دکت؟ |