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Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button gidaash waaHid yuskun fee haadee il-manTiqa? قداش واحد يسكن في هاذي المنطقه؟
Play Button How many water wells do you have in this area? Play Button gidaash beer imaya 'indkum fee haadee il-manTiqa? قداش بير اميه عندكم في هاذي المنطقة؟
Play Button Do you have a sewage system in this area? Play Button hal 'indkum manDoomit majaaree fee haadi il-manTiqa? هل عندكم منظومة مجاري في هاذي المنطقه؟
Play Button How far are the latrines from the water wells? Play Button gidaash tab'id dawraat il-meeyaa 'aley ibyaar il-maya? كم تبعد دورات المياه على ابيار الميه؟
Play Button What type of herds graze in this area? Play Button shin anwaa' il-guT'aan ilee tasraH fee haadee il-manTiqa? شن انواع القطعان اللي تسرح في هاذي المنطقه؟
Play Button Is there a veterinarian? Play Button fee Tabeeb bayTaree? فيه طبيب بيطري؟
Play Button Are there any factories in the area? Play Button feeh maSaani' fee il-manTiqa? فيه مصانع في المنطقة؟
Play Button Is there a river nearby? Play Button fee nahir grayib min eh-ney? فيه نهر اقريب من هنى؟
Play Button Where do you get electricity from? Play Button min weyn yijeekum il-kah-rabaa? من وين يجيكم الكهرباء؟
Play Button Is there a power plant nearby? Play Button fee maHata kah-rabaa-eeya greeba? فيه محطه كهربائيه قريبه؟
Play Button What kind of electrical appliances do people use? Play Button shin anwaa' il-adawaat il-kah-rabaa-eeya? شن انواع الادوات الكهربائيه؟
Play Button Do you use electric stoves? Play Button hal tistaKhidmoo fee il-afraan il-kah-rabaa-eeya? هل يستخدموا في الافران الكهربائيه؟
Play Button Have there been forest fires in the area? Play Button hal Saarit Haraa-iq ghaabaat fee il-manTiqa? هل صارت حرائق غابات في المنطقه؟
Play Button Are there any gas pipes around here? Play Button hal fee anaabeeb ghaaz Hawl il-manTiqa? هل فيه انابيب غاز حول المنطقه؟
Play Button Do you use gas to heat homes around here? Play Button hal tista'imloo fee il-ghaaz lee-tadfee-et il-buyoot? هل تستعملوا في الغاز لتدفئة البيوت؟
Play Button Is gas used for cooking? Play Button il-ghaaz yustaKhdam liT-TabeKh? الغاز يستخدم للطبخ؟
Play Button Do you use propane gas tanks? Play Button hal tustaKhadmoo fee Khazaanaat ghaaz lee brobaan? هل تستخدموا في خزانات غاز للبرويان؟
Play Button Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? Play Button min weyn itjeekum Khazaanaat ghaaz il-brobaan? من وين بتجيكم خزانات غاز البروبان؟
Play Button Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? Play Button hal fee ay waaHid yafHeS mu'idaat ghaaz la-Hiyaash? هل فيه اي واحد يفحص معدات غاز لحياش؟
Play Button Is there an electrician here? Play Button hal fee kaharabaa-ee? هل فيه كهربائى؟
Play Button Is there a water supply system to households? Play Button hal fee neeDaam lee-tazweed il-buyoot bil-meeyaa? هل فيه نظام لتزويد البيوت بالمياه؟
Play Button Where is the facility located? Play Button weyn maHaTit tawzee' il-meeyaa? وين محطة توزيع المياه؟
Play Button How many people operate the system? Play Button gidaash waaHid yashtaghil fee haadee il-maHaTa? قداش واحد يشتغل في هادي المحطة؟
Play Button Is it connected to other water supply systems? Play Button hal heeya mutaSila bee-maHaTit tazweed meeyaa taanya? هل هي متصلة بمحطه تزويد مياه ثانيه؟
Play Button Is it functional? Play Button heeya btashtaghil? هي بتشتغل؟
Play Button Where are the sources of raw water? Play Button weyn maSaadir il-maa il-Khaam? وين مصادر الماء الخام؟
Play Button Is it polluted? Play Button hal heeya mulawatha? هل هي ملوثه؟
Play Button Is there a water treatment used? Play Button hal fee ta'qeem lil-maya? هل فيه تعقيم للميه؟
Play Button Is it chemical? Play Button hal heeya keemiyaaweeya? هل هي كيماويه؟
Play Button Is it through filtration? Play Button hal heeya 'an Tareeq il-feelter? هل هي عن طريق الفلتر؟
Play Button Is it by sedimentation? Play Button hal heeya bwaaSiTet it-tarasub? هل هي بواسطة الترسب؟
Play Button Where is the pumping station? Play Button weyn maHaTit iD-DaKh? وين محطة الضخ؟
Play Button How many people are needed to keep the system functional? Play Button gidaash waaHid yiboo lil-HeefaaD 'aley il-manDooma? قداش واحد يبو ا للحفاظ على المنظومه؟
Play Button We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. Play Button sima'naa inoo fee mashaakil fee il-majaaree fee haada l-Hay سمعنا انه فيه مشاكل في المجاري في هذا الحي
Play Button Do you have indoor plumbing? Play Button hal 'indkum samkara daaKhileeya? هل عندكم سمكره داخليه؟
Play Button Do you have any problems with your plumbing? Play Button hal fee mashaakil fee is-samkara? هل فيه مشاكل في السمكره؟
Play Button Does your toilet work? Play Button hal il-Hamaam imtaa'ik yashtaghil? هل الحمام امتاعك يشتغل؟
Play Button How many toilets do you have in the house? Play Button gidaash Hamaam 'indik fee il-Hosh? قداش حمام عندك في الحوش؟
Play Button Do you have a septic tank? Play Button hal 'indik Khazaan imasaKh? هل عندك خزان امسخ؟
Play Button Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? Play Button fee waaHid yigdir yiSaliH il-Khuraara? فيه واحد يقدر يصلح الخراره؟
Play Button Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? Play Button itaSalt bee-ay waaHid baKhSooS haadee il-mushkila? eeda taSalt bee-Had ishkoon hoowa? اتصلت باي واحد بخصوص هاذي المشكلة؟ اذا اتصلت بحد اشكون هو؟
Play Button When did you contact them? Play Button aamta itaSalt beehum? امتى اتصلت بيهم؟
Play Button I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. Play Button bnarfa' taqreer lee-jeeha a'la wa-nshoof law fee Haaja nigdiroo ndeerooha baash inSalHoo mushkilit il-majaaree بنرفع تقرير لجهة اعلى ونشوف لو فيه حاجه نقدروا نديروها باش نصلحوا مشكلة المجاري
Play Button We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. Play Button binataSil bee-shareekit il-majaaree wa-nshoof shin daaroo baash yiHiloo il-mushkila بنتصل بشركة المجاري ونشوف شن داروا باش يحلو المشكله
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