I am going to be looking into your eyes with this. |
nibee inshoof le-'ayoonik bee-haadee |
نبي نشوف لعيونك بهاذي |
Keep your head still. |
Khalee raasik taabit |
خلي راسك ثابت |
Look straight ahead and focus on an object. |
ishbaH lee-gidaam oo-rakiz 'aley shey |
اشبح القدام وركز علي شيي |
While I am looking into your eyes, continue to focus on that object. |
aamta inshoof 'ayoonik, istamir fit-tarkeez 'aley haadak ish-shey |
امتا نشوف عيونك، استمر في التركيز علي هذاك الشيي |
I am going to put some drops into your eye. |
binHuT lik ba'aD il-qaTaraat fee 'ayoonik |
بنحط لك بعض القطرات في عيونك |