Do not stop if the convoy is attacked! |
roogwo chodoy dzawdaw Sheejee, neemen boo yaw teeng Sheeyaley! |
如果车队遭到袭击,你们不要停下来! |
Drive a minimum of 3 kms before stopping. |
dzoyshaw kaay san gonglee dzay teeng. |
最少开三公里再停。 |
Following distance is 100m on open highway. |
dzay changtong de gawso gonglo shang genche de joolee shi eebaay mee |
在畅通的高速公路上跟车的距离是一百米。 |
Following distance is 50m in towns. |
dzay chenglee genche de joolee shi woshi mee |
在城里跟车的距离是五十米。 |
When stopped on the road, keep enough space between vehicles to drive around if required. |
dzay looshang teeng Shaayleeya de shiho, yaw dzay cho you cho Jojeeyan bawchi dzoogo de joodee, shide dzay beeyaw de Cheengkwang Sheeya koyee rawdaw erSheeng. |
在路上停下来的时候,要在车与车之间保持足够的距离,使得在必要的情况下可以绕道而行。 |
If you lose sight of the convoy, slow down and wait for a military truck to pass you, and follow it. |
rogwo nee kanboojeeyan chodoye jeeyo kaay mandeer, dang yee leeyang joyencho chawgwo nee, ranho genJe na leeyang cho |
如果你看不见车队就开慢一点,等 一辆军车超过你,然后跟着那辆车。 |
No weapons. |
meyou woChee. |
没有武器。 |
No cell phone use. |
booSho yong showjee. |
不许用手机。 |
Do not throw food or water to the locals. |
beeyaw ba shiwo ho shoye reng gey dangdee ren. |
不要把食物和水扔给当地人。 |
No littering or dumping trash on military camps or staging areas. |
booneng dzay jooynyeeng hwo jeejeedi reng dzangwo hwo lajee. |
不能在军营或集结地扔脏物或垃圾。 |
Go around any broken down truck in the convoy. |
rawgwo chodoy lee renho pawmaw de cheleeyang. |
绕过车队里任何抛锚的车辆。 |
No flashing beacons. |
booShoy sheeyong shanshwo de JiSheeyangbeeyaw. |
不许使用闪烁的指向标。 |
Fuel vehicle every time vehicle stops. |
meyci cheleeyang teeng de sheho dooyaw jeeyaayou. |
每次车辆停的时候都要加油。 |
Food is provided at some military camps when available. |
joonyeeng yo shiwo de howa hoy teegong shiwo. |
军营有食物的话会提供食物。 |
Bring plenty of food and water with you. |
dayshang dzoogo de shiwo ho shoye. |
带上足够的食物和水。 |
If you have to stop for any reason and the convoy continues, wait for help from the military. |
roogwo eenwey moJong you-an-yeen beySho teeng Sheeyaley, danshi chedwo jeeSho Cheeyanjeen, nee joy dongdey joynfang de bangJoo. |
如果因为某种原因必须停下来,但是 车队继续前进, 你就等待军方的帮助。 |
They will escort you back into position. |
tamen hoy hosong nee hoy choydoy. |
他们会护送你回车队。 |
No fighting or arguing with any other driver over position in convoy. |
beeyaw ho renho jeeyashoyou-an yeenwey dzay chwdoy le de weyJi aar JengCheeyang hwo chawnaw. |
不要和任何驾驶员因为在车队里的位置而争抢或吵闹。 |
Drive in a single file. |
peycheng yee ge dzongleeye Sheengshi. |
排成一个纵列行驶。 |
Be prepared to stop and assist broken down trucks. (Note: This is an instruction for bobtail drivers.) |
Joonbey haw soyshi teeng Sheeyaley bang Joo pawmaw de kachu. |
准备好随时停下来帮助抛锚的卡车。 |
Report any problems with other drivers to the convoy commander. |
Seeyang chudoy Jihoy hoybaw Cheetaa jeeyashoye-an youdaw de renho wentee. |
向车队指挥汇报其他驾驶员遇到的任何问题。 |
No drug or alcohol use while driving. |
kayche shi booneng cheeyaw Sheedo hejeeyo. |
开车时不能吃药吸毒喝酒。 |
Know how to change tires and have proper tools. |
hoy ho-an lontey beeng bey yo sheeyong de gongjoo. |
会换轮胎并备有适用的工具。 |
Loads, straps, chains, and tires are the drivers' responsibility. |
ywndzeyleeyang, deydzi, Shooleeyan, lontay shi sijee de dzeren. |
运载量、带子、雪链、轮胎是司机的责任。 |
Check every time the convoy stops. |
meytsi chodoye teeng Sheeyaley do yaw jeeyancha. |
每次车队停下来都要检查。 |