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Play Button Are you having pain? Play Button ni teng ma? 你疼吗?
Play Button Where are you having pain? Play Button ni nar teng? 你哪儿疼?
Play Button Is the pain here? Play Button shi Jer teng ma? 是这儿疼吗?
Play Button Does anything make the pain better? Play Button you shenme keyi jianChing ni de tengtong? 有什么可以减轻你的疼痛?
Play Button Does anything make the pain worse? Play Button you shenme hui jiaJong ni de tengtong? 有什么会加重你的疼痛?
Play Button Did the pain start today? Play Button Je tengtong shi jintian kaishi de ma? 这疼痛是今天开始的吗?
Play Button How many days have you had the pain? Play Button ni teng le jitian le? 你疼了几天了?
Play Button Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Play Button an yi dao shi lai miaoshuyiShia ni tengtong de chendu. 按1到10 来描述一下你疼痛的程度。
Play Button 10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. Play Button shi shi teng de dzui lihai, yi shi yidianr ye bu teng. 10 是疼得最厉害,1 是 一点儿也不疼。
Play Button Hold up the number of fingers. Play Button yong shouJi lai biaoshi shi duoshao? 用手指来表示是多少。
Play Button What is the main problem? Play Button Juyao shi shenme weni? 主要是什么问题?
Play Button How long have you had the pain? Play Button ni teng le duojiu le? 你疼了多久了?
Play Button Show me where the pain started. Play Button Ji gei wo kan nide tengtong shi tsong nar kaishi de 指给我看你的疼痛是从哪儿开始的。
Play Button Does the pain go to the back? Play Button ni de beibu teng ma? 你的背部疼吗?
Play Button Does the pain go to the testicles? Play Button ni de gaowan teng? 你的睾丸疼吗?
Play Button Does this pain go to the groin? Play Button ni de fugwgou teng ma? 你的腹股沟疼吗?
Play Button Is this a sharp pain? Play Button Jeshi yiJong julie de tengtong ma? 这是一种剧烈的疼痛吗?
Play Button Is this a dull pain? Play Button Jeshi yiJong chidun de tengtong ma? 这是一 种迟钝的疼痛吗?
Play Button Is this a cramping pain? Play Button Jeshi yiJong jingluanshi de tengtong ma? 这是一种痉挛式的疼痛吗?
Play Button Is this a constant pain? Play Button Je shibushi chiShubuduan de tengtong? 这是不是持续不断的疼痛?
Play Button Is this an intermittent pain? Play Button Jeshi yiJong jianShieShing de tengtong? 这是一种间歇性的疼痛?
Play Button Is this a mild pain? Play Button Jeshi yiJong Chingwei de tengtong ma? 这是一种轻微的疼痛吗?
Play Button Is this a moderate pain? Play Button Jeshi yiJong Jongdeng chendu de tengtong ma? 这是一种中等程度的疼痛吗 ?
Play Button Is this a severe pain? Play Button Jeshi yiJong hen yanJong de tengtong ma? 这是一种很严重的疼痛吗?
Play Button Is this the worst pain you ever had? Play Button Je shibushi ni jingligwo de dzui lihai de yitsi tengtong? 这是不是你经历过的最厉害的一次疼痛?
Play Button Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom? Play Button youmeiyou dongShi keyi jianhuan JeJong tengtong? 有没有东西可以减缓这种疼痛?
Play Button Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom? Play Button youmeiyou shenme dongShi hui jiaJong JeJong tengtong? 有没有什么东西会加重这种疼痛?
Play Button Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this? Play Button ni Jebing youmeiyou kangwo dafu huo biede shenme Ren? 你这病有没有看过大夫或别的什么人?
Play Button What medicines are you taking? Play Button ni Shandzai chi shenme yao? 你 现在吃什么药?
Play Button Are you experiencing fevers? Play Button ni ashao ma? 你发烧吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing chills? Play Button ni faleng ma? 你发冷吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing nausea? Play Button ni exin ma? 你恶心吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing vomiting? Play Button ni tu ma? 你吐吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing diarrhea? Play Button ni ladudzi ma? 你拉肚子吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing loss of appetite? Play Button ni weikou buhao ma? 你胃口不好吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing headaches? Play Button ni touteng ma? 你头疼吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing visual disturbances? Play Button ni de shili youmeiyou shenme wenti? 你的视力有没有什么问题?
Play Button Are you experiencing numbness or tingling? Play Button ni fama huo you matsi de ganjue ma? 你发麻或有麻刺的感觉吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing bleeding by mouth or rectum? Play Button ni dzui hui Jichang chuShue ma? 你嘴或直肠出血吗?
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