Did the pain start today? |
Je tengtong shi jintian kaishi de ma? |
这疼痛是今天开始的吗? |
How many days have you had the pain? |
ni teng le jitian le? |
你疼了几天了? |
Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. |
an yi dao shi lai miaoshuyiShia ni tengtong de chendu. |
按1到10 来描述一下你疼痛的程度。 |
10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. |
shi shi teng de dzui lihai, yi shi yidianr ye bu teng. |
10 是疼得最厉害,1 是 一点儿也不疼。 |
Hold up the number of fingers. |
yong shouJi lai biaoshi shi duoshao? |
用手指来表示是多少。 |
Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom? |
youmeiyou dongShi keyi jianhuan JeJong tengtong? |
有没有东西可以减缓这种疼痛? |
Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom? |
youmeiyou shenme dongShi hui jiaJong JeJong tengtong? |
有没有什么东西会加重这种疼痛? |
Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this? |
ni Jebing youmeiyou kangwo dafu huo biede shenme Ren? |
你这病有没有看过大夫或别的什么人? |
What medicines are you taking? |
ni Shandzai chi shenme yao? |
你 现在吃什么药? |
Are you experiencing fevers? |
ni ashao ma? |
你发烧吗? |