Do you have any chest pain or tightness? |
ni Shongkou teng ma jin ma? |
你胸口疼吗紧吗? |
Are you having trouble trying to breathe? |
ni huShi kwnnan ma? |
你呼吸困难吗? |
Do you have chest pain over your entire chest? |
ni jengge Shongbu dou teng ma? |
你整个儿胸部都疼吗? |
Do you have pain from your chest into your arm? |
ni Shongbu dao gebo you tengtong ma? |
你胸部到胳膊有疼痛吗? |
Have you had this type of chest pain before? |
ni yiChan yougwo jeJong Shongkou teng ma? |
你以前有过这种 胸口疼吗? |
Do you feel light-headed with the chest pain? |
ni Shongkou teng shi, tou yun ma? |
你胸口疼时,头晕吗? |
Do you sweat with the chest pain? |
ni Shongkou teng shi chuhan ma? |
你胸口疼时出汗吗? |
This heart pill may give you a headache. |
chi Jejong ShinJangbing de yao, keneng hui touteng. |
吃这种心脏病的药,可能会头疼。 |
This will go under your tongue. |
ba je fangdzai ni de shetou Sha. |
把这放在你的舌头下面。 |
Chew this and swallow it. |
ba Je jiaojiao tunShaChu. |
把这嚼嚼吞下去。 |