Please wait for an interpreter. |
Ching deng anyi lai. |
请等翻译来。 |
Please turn off your camera. |
Ching ba JaoShangji gwanshang |
请把照相机关上。 |
Please turn off your recorder. |
Ching ba luyingji gwanshang. |
请把录音机关上。 |
Here is a copy of our ground rules. |
Jeshi women de jiben gwiding. |
这是我们的基本规则。 |
Sign here if you agree to follow the ground rules. |
Rugwo ni tongyi yiXha de jiben gwiding,Ching dzai Jer Chandzi. |
如果你同意以下的基本规则,请在这儿签字。 |
You cannot enter this area now. |
Shandzai ni buneng jingRu Jege diChu. |
现在你不能进入这个地区。 |
For security reasons, I cannot address this question. |
weile anChuan Chijian, wo buneng tan Jege wenti. |
为了安全起见,我不能谈这个问题。 |
I cannot address that question until the investigation is finished. |
diaocha jieshu yiChan, wo buneng tan Jege wenti. |
调查结束以前,我不能谈这个问题。 |
We do not discuss personnel or equipment strength with the media. |
women bu he meiti tanlun Renyuan huo shebei youshi. |
我们不和媒体谈论人员或设备优势。 |
We do not discuss future operations with the media. |
women bu he meiti tanlun jianglai de Shingdong. |
我们不和媒体谈论将来的行动。 |
We do not discuss nuclear operations with the media. |
women bu he meiti tanlun heShingdong jihua. |
我们不和媒体谈论核行动计划。 |
We do not discuss chemical operations with the media. |
women buhe meiti tanlun huaShuewuChi Shingdong jihua. |
我们不和媒体谈论化学武器行动计划。 |
We do not discuss biological operations with the media. |
women bu he meiti tanlun shiyong shenwu wuChi de jihua. |
我们不和媒体谈论使用生物武器的计划。 |
We do not have information on this subject. |
women meiyou yougwan Jeshie fangmian de Shingshi. |
我们没有有关这方面的信息。 |
Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. |
women dzai tongJi shouhai Je jiashu yiChian, buneng toulu shouhaiRen de Shingming. |
我们在通知受害者家属以前,不能透露受害人的姓名。 |