We must spend the night here. |
beed end KhonogloKh yostoi |
Бид энд хоноглох ёстой. |
Is there a dining facility here? |
end KhoolloKh gadzaR bee yoo? |
Энд хооллох газар бий юү? |
How many kilometers to the nearest town? |
oiReeng Khot KhuRtel Khiding kilomeetR ve? |
Ойрын хот хүртэл хэдэн киломeтр вэ? |
Are there any hotels near here? |
oiR Khavid zochid boodal bee yoo? |
Ойр хавьд зочид буудал бий юү? |
Are there any restaurants near here? |
oiR Khavid RestoRang bee yoo? |
Ойр хавьд рecторант бий юү? |