![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where can we purchase meat? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
mneyn neshReyoo lHam? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منين نشريو اللحم؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where can we purchase vegetables and fruit? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
mneyn neshReyoo lKhuDRa welfaakya? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منين نشريو الخضرة والفاكية؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where can we purchase bread and grains? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
mneyn neshReyoo lKhubz wleHboob? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منين نشريو الخبز والحبوب؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where can we purchase dairy products? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
mneyn neshReyoo leHleeb welmushtaqaat dyaalu? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منين نشريو الحليب والمشتقات ديالو؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where can we purchase water? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
mneyn neshReyoo lmaa? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منين نشريو الما؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
We need to examine the herd. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
KhaSna nqalbu lmaasheeya |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
خصنا نقلبُ الماشية |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
We need to examine the animals on the farm. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
KhaSna nqalbu lHayawanaat ilee kaayna felfeeRma |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
خصنا نقلبُ الحيوانات اللي كاينة فالفيرما |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
We need to inspect the slaughterhouse for sanitation. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
KhaSna nfetshu lguRna 'la wud naDaafa |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
خصنا نفتشو الكرنة على ود النضافة |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
We need to inspect the bakery for sanitation. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
KhaSna nfetshu lmeKhbeza 'la wud naDaafa |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
خصنا نفتشو المخبزة على ود النضافة |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
We need to inspect the dairy plant. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
KhaSna nfetshu lma'mel dyaal leHleeb |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
خصنا نفتشو المعمل ديال الحليب |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
We need to inspect the poultry plant. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
KhaSna nfetshu lma'mel dyaal jaaj |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
خصنا نفتشو المعمل ديال الدجاج |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
When was the last time these animals were inoculated? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
weqtaash aaKhiR maRa jlebtu lelHayawanaat? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
وقتاش آخر مرة جلبتو للحيوانات؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Do they need to be vaccinated? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
waash KhaaShum jelba? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
واش خاصهم الجلبة؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
We can provide vaccinations. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
yimkin leena ne'Teewukum jelba |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
يمكن لينا نعطيوكم الجلبة |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
This food is spoiled, please do not eat it. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
haad lmaakla KhaasRa, matakluhaash alaah yKhaleekum |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
هاد الماكلة خاسرة، ماتاكلوهاش الله يخليكم |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |