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Play Button You have been injured. Play Button taaso zaKhmee shawee yee تاسو زخمی شوی يي
Play Button You are ill. Play Button taaso beemaaR yee تاسو بيمار يي
Play Button Lie still. Play Button hamdaghasey samlaa همدغسې څملا
Play Button We will take care of you. Play Button moong ba staaso Khyaal usatoo مونږ به ستاسو خيال وساتو
Play Button Let us help you. Play Button moong ta pakaaR dey che taaso madad okRloo مونږ ته پکار دی چه تاسو مدد اوکړو
Play Button We must examine you carefully. Play Button moong baayad taaso deR ih-teeyaat saRaa mooaayenaa kRloo مونږ بايد تاسو ډير احتياط سره معاينه کړو
Play Button We will try to not hurt you further. Play Button moong ba koshesh kawoo che taaso ta noR takleef daR nakRloo مونږ به کوسش کوو چه تاسو ته نور تکليف درنکړو
Play Button This will help protect you. Play Button daa madad ba taaso hifaazat kawee دا مدد به تاسو حفاظت کوی
Play Button Do exactly what we ask. Play Button ham-aghasey okRla che sanga daRta moong wayoo همهغسې وکړه چه څنګه درته مونږ واېو
Play Button Keep your head very still. Play Button Khpal saR deR pa kalaaR usaata خپل سر ډير په قلا ر اوساته
Play Button Keep very still. Play Button deR pa kalaaR usaata ډير په قلار اوساته
Play Button Can you breathe? Play Button taaso saah aghistaley shee? تاسو ساه اغيستلې شی؟
Play Button Say your name out loud. Play Button Khpal noom pa zoRa oowaaya خپل نوم په په زوره اووايه
Play Button Do you hurt anywhere? Play Button taaso chaRta daRd laRee? تاسو چرته درد لرې؟
Play Button Show me where. Play Button maa ta oKhaayaa, chaRta ما ته اوښايه ، چرته
Play Button Show me where it hurts worst. Play Button maa ta oKhaayaa koom zaay deR Khogeegee? ما ته اوښايه کوم ځاې ډير خوږيږی
Play Button Does this hurt? Play Button da zaay Khogeegee? دا ځاې خوږيږی؟
Play Button Move all of your fingers. Play Button toley gotey ooKhozawa ټولې ګوتې اوخوزوه
Play Button Move all of your toes. Play Button da pKhey gotey ooKhozawa د پښې ګوتې اوخوزوه
Play Button Open your eyes. Play Button staRgey Khlaasey kRlaa سترګې خلاصې کړه
Play Button Push against me. Play Button maa baandey zoR waachawa ما باندې زور واچوه
Play Button You will feel better soon. Play Button taaso ba deR zaR beh-taRee mah-soos kaRlee تاسو به ډير زر بهتری محسوس کړی
Play Button You must stay here. Play Button taaso baayad delta paatey shee تاسو بايد دلته پاتې شی
Play Button When did you have your last meal? Play Button taaso aaKhiRee waaR kala dodey KhoRlalee? تاسو اخری وار کله ډوډۍ خوړلی؟
Play Button When was your last bowel movement? Play Button taaso aaKhiRee waaR kala dakey mityaazey kaRlee? تاسو اخری وار کله ډکی متيازی کړی؟
Play Button How often are you urinating? Play Button taaso aksaR so waaRey tashey mityaazey kawee? تاسو اکثر څو واری تشی متيازی کوی؟
Play Button Is it difficult to urinate? Play Button taaso tashey mityaazey kawalo key sa mushkil laRee? تاسو تشی متيازی کولو کې څه مشکل لری؟
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