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Play Button I am not an official spokesperson. Play Button za daftaRee taRjomaan na yam زه دفتری ترجمان نه يم
Play Button Please wait for the public affairs representative. Play Button meheRbaanee okRlee da aamomee chaaRo nomaayandey intizaaR okRlee مهربانی وکړی د عمومی چارو نمايندې انتظار وکړی
Play Button I can only tell you what I know. Play Button za che se na KhabaR yam siRaf agha taaso taa wayaley sham زه چه څه نه خبر يم صرف هغه تاسو ته ويلې شم
Play Button The situation is under control. Play Button haalaat pu kantRol key dee حالات په کنټرول کې دی
Play Button We are doing everything we can to restore order. Play Button moong da hukam bahaal kawalo da paaRa heR se che keegee, kawoo مونږ د حکم بحال کولو د پاره هر څه چه کیږی،کوو
Play Button We are doing everything we can to protect lives. Play Button moong da Khalko zhwan tahafuz kawalo da paaRa heR se che keegee, kawoo مونږ د خلکو ژوند تحفظ کولو د پاره هر څه چه کیږی،کوو
Play Button We are doing everything we can to save lives. Play Button moong da Khalko zhwan bachawalo da paaRa heR se che keegee, kawoo مونږ د خلکو ژوند بچولو د پاره هر څه چه کیږی،کوو
Play Button There was an incident. Play Button daa haadsaa waa دا حادثه وه
Play Button The incident is under investigation. Play Button haadsaa da tah-keekaat laandey dey حادثه د تحقيقات ﻻندی دی
Play Button We are taking this matter very seriously. Play Button moong daa mu-aamilaa deR sanjidgee saRaa aKhloo مونږ دا معامله ډير سنجيدګی سره اخلو
Play Button People have been injured. Play Button Khalak zaKhmee shawee dee خلک زخمی شوی دی
Play Button Civilians have been injured. Play Button aam Khalak zaKhmee shawee dee عام خلک زخمی شوی دی
Play Button Police have been injured. Play Button polees waalaa zaKhmee shawee dee پوليس واﻻ زخمی شوی دی
Play Button Service members have been injured. Play Button poziyaan zaKhmee shawee dee پوځيان زخمی شوی دی
Play Button Service members have been killed. Play Button poziyaan wazal shawee dee پوځيان وژل شوی دی
Play Button People have been killed. Play Button Khalak wazal shawee dee خلک وژل شوی دی
Play Button Civilians have been killed. Play Button aam Khalak wazal shawee dee عام خلک وژل شوی دی
Play Button Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. Play Button teR agha poRey da maRlo aw zhobal shawee kasaano noomoona na shee zaahiReedaley teR so poRey che aghowee Khpalwaan na we KhabaR shawee تر هغه پوری د مړو او ژوبل شوی کسانو نومونه نه شی ظاهريدلې تر څو پورې چه هغوي خپلوان نه وی خبر شوی
Play Button The official spokesman is expected here soon. Play Button da daftaRee taRjomaan delta Raatlal der zeR motawakey dee د دفتری ترجمان دلته راتلل ډير ژر متوقع دی
Play Button Appropriate action will be taken. Play Button munaasib kaRawaayee ba keegee مناسب کاروايی به کيږی
Play Button We take every report of wrongdoing very seriously. Play Button moonga da haRey wRaankaaRee itlaa deR sanjidgee saRaa aKhloo مونږه د هر ې ورانکاری اطلاع ډير سنجيدګی سره اخلو
Play Button We have secured the area where the incident occurred. Play Button koom zaay key che haadsaa shawee dey aghaa moong meh-fooz kRley dey کوم ځاې کې چه حادثه شوی دی هغه مونږ محفوظ کړی دی
Play Button I am sorry but you have to wait for the report. Play Button maa taa afsos dey Kho taaso baayad ReypoRt da paaRa intizaaR okRlee ما ته افسوس دی خو تاسو بايد رپورټ د پاره انتظار وکړی
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