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Play Button What is your given name? Play Button staa aslee noom tsa dey? ستا اصلی نوم څه دی؟
Play Button What is your family name? Play Button staa taKhalus tsa dey? ستا تخلص څه دی؟
Play Button What is your nationality? Play Button staa meleeyat tsa dey? ستا ملیت څه دی؟
Play Button What country were you born in? Play Button tu pa kom mamlekat key peydaa shiwee wey? ته په کوم مملکت کې پیدا شوی وي؟
Play Button How old are you? Play Button tu da soo kaaloo ye? ته د څو کالو ېی؟
Play Button Do you have an identity card? Play Button tu shenaaKhate kaaRt laRey? ته شناخت کارت لري؟
Play Button Show me your identification. Play Button shenaaKhate kaaRt dey RaawoKhaayaa شناخت کارت دی راوښیه
Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button pa dey zaay key tsumRa Khalak zhund kaa? په دی ځای کې څومره خلک ژوند کا؟
Play Button Who is the leader of this community? Play Button dadey mantakey masheR tsug dey? ددی منطقی مشر څوک دی؟
Play Button What is his name? Play Button da hagha tse noom dey? د هغه څه نوم دی؟
Play Button Please write down his name. Play Button lutfan noom ye wuleekaa لطفآ نوم ېی ولیکه
Play Button Show us the leader. Play Button moong taa masheR RaawoKhaayaa مونږ ته مشر راوښیه
Play Button How many men and women live in this community? Play Button pa dey mantaqa key tsumRa Khazee aw saRee zhund kaa? په دی منطقه کی څومره ښځی او سری ژوند کا؟
Play Button How many children live here? Play Button tsumRa maashomaan delta zhund kaa? څومره ماشومان دلته ژوند کا؟
Play Button Are there schools here for the children? Play Button delta da maashomaano maktaboona shtaa? دلته د ماشومانو مکتبونه شته؟
Play Button Is there enough potable water for the people? Play Button da Khalko da paaRa pa pooRa andaaza da tskelo obo shtaa? د خلکو د پاره په پوره اندازه د څکلو اوبه شته؟
Play Button Is there a water well? Play Button delta da obo saawey shtaa? دلته د اوبو څاوی شته؟
Play Button Is there a public fountain? Play Button delta da obo naloona shtaa? دلته د اوبو نلونه شته؟
Play Button Are there any medics here? Play Button delta kom kampodeR shtaa? دلته کوم کمپودر شته؟
Play Button Are there any engineers? Play Button delta injeeneRaan shtaa? دلته انجینیران شته؟
Play Button Are there any teachers? Play Button delta Khowunkee shtaa? دلته ښوونکی شته؟
Play Button Are there empty buildings here? Play Button delta teshee wodaaney shtaa? دلته تشی ودانی شته؟
Play Button Is there a local police force? Play Button delta da dee zaay polis shtaa? دلته د دی ځای پولیس شته؟
Play Button Who is responsible for public safety here? Play Button delta da Khalko da amneeyat mosool tsug dey? دلته د خلکو د امنیت مسوول څوک دی؟
Play Button Whose responsibility is fire protection? Play Button da oR na da saatelo mosool tsug dey? د اور نه د ساتلو مسوول څوک دی؟
Play Button Do you have fire fighting equipment? Play Button da oR da gul kawolo da paaRa saamaan laRey? د اور د کل کولو دپاره سامان لري؟
Play Button Do you have a fire engine? Play Button da etfaa-eeyaa motoR laRey? د اطفاییه موټر لری؟
Play Button Who do you call in case of an accident? Play Button ka takaR wushee no chaa ta baa KhabaR waRkRee? که ټکر وشی نو چا ته به خبر ورکوی؟
Play Button Are there operational emergency vehicles here? Play Button delta da 'aajel amleeyaato da paaRa motoRoona laRey? دلته د عاجل عملیاتو د پاره موټرونه لری؟
Play Button How many telephones do you have in the area? Play Button pa dey zaay key tsumRa telefonoona laRey? په دی ځای کې څومره تیلفونونه لړي؟
Play Button How many homes have telephones here? Play Button tsumRa koRoona delta telefoonana laRey? څومره کورونه دلته تیلفونونه لړي؟
Play Button Is there a functioning police station? Play Button delta da polis taana shtaa? دلته د پولیس ټانه شته؟
Play Button How many personnel are still on the job? Play Button tsumRa kaaRkonaan us hum pa kaaR key dey? څومره کارکنان اوس هم په کار کې دی؟
Play Button What's the means of communication? Play Button da KhabeRo aateRo da paaRa tse seestem dey? د خبرو اټرو د پاره څه سیستم دی؟
Play Button Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? Play Button da polis taana da aamReekaa da mRasta na ba gheyR kaaR koweley shee aw ka na? د پولیس ټانه د امریکا د مرسته نه به غیر کار کولی شی او که نه؟
Play Button Can U.S. forces depend on the local police to perform their duties as needed? Play Button aayaa da aamReekaa qowaa da dey zaay pa polis bandey etekaa koweley shee aw ka na? آیا د امریکا قواه د دی ځای په پولیس بانډې اتکا کولی شی او که نه؟
Play Button How many vehicles are available? Play Button tsumRa motoRoona mojood dey? څومره موټرونه موجود دی؟
Play Button What is the telephone number? Play Button da telefon naambaR tsa dey? د تیلفون نمبر څه دی؟
Play Button Do you use radio communications? Play Button staaso da Raadeeyo pa waaseta KhabaRee kawee? ستاسو د رادیو په واسطه خبری کوي؟
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