Did the numbness or tingling start today? |
behese ya KhareKht nan shuro' sho? |
بې حسي یا خارښت نن شروع شوه؟ |
How many days have you have the numbness or tingling? |
tsumra waKh na ta behese ya KhareKht larey? |
څومره وخت نه ته بې حسي یا خارښت لرې؟ |
Do you feel weak? |
ta de kamzory ehsaas kawe? |
ته د کمزورۍ احساس کوې؟ |
Did the weakness start today? |
da kamzory nan shuro' shwa? |
دا کمزوري نن شروع شوه؟ |
How many days have you had the weakness? |
de so wrazona kamzorey larey? |
د څو ورځو نه کمزورې لرې؟ |