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Play Button I do not wish to give an interview. Play Button zoh maa zeRa na gho-aaRee che mosaaheba wokRum زما زره نه غواری چه مصاحبه ورکړم
Play Button He does not wish to give an interview. Play Button da haghey zeRa na gho-aaRee che mosaaheba wukRee د هغه زره نه غواری چه مصاحبه ورکړی
Play Button She does not wish to give an interview. Play Button da haghey zeRa na gho-aaRee che mosaaheba wukRee د هغی زره نه غواری چه مصاحبه ورکړی
Play Button I am not qualified to answer that question. Play Button zoh da dey qaabil na yem che da dey sawaal jawaab waRkRum زه د دی قابل نه یم چه د دی سوال ځواب ورکړم
Play Button She is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button hagha da dey qaabila na daa che da dey sawaal jawaab warkRee هغه د دی قابله نه ده چه د دی سوال ځواب ورکړی
Play Button He is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button hagha da dey qaabila na daa che da dey sawaal jawaab waRkRee هغه د دی قابل نه دی چه د دی سوال ځواب ورکړی
Play Button He does not want to answer that question. Play Button hagha na gho-aaRee che da hagha sawaal jawaab waRkRee هغه نه غواری چه د هغه سوال ځواب ورکړی
Play Button She does not want to answer that question. Play Button hagha na gho-aaRee che da hagha sawaal jawaab waRkRee هغه نه غواری چه د هغه سوال ځواب ورکړی
Play Button I will not answer this question. Play Button zoh ba da dey sawaal jawaab daR na kRam زه به د دی سوال ځواب درنه کړم
Play Button I have no answer at this time. Play Button zoh pa dey waKht kee hits jawaab na laRem زه په دی وخت کې هیڅ ځواب نه لړم
Play Button I would like to stop this interview. Play Button zoh gho-aaRem che dagha mosaaheba banda kRum زه غوارم چه دغه مصاحبه بنده کړم
Play Button She would like to stop this interview. Play Button hagha gho-aaRee che dagha mosaaheba banda kRee هغه غواری چه دغه مصاحبه بنده کړی
Play Button He would like to stop this interview. Play Button hagha gho-aaRee che dagha mosaaheba banda kRee هغه غواری چه دغه مصاحبه بنده کړی
Play Button No comment Play Button pa dey his nisham waayele په دی هیڅ نشم ویلی
Play Button Can you please ask the question in simpler language? Play Button lutfan kowelay shee che daa sawaal pa saada zheba kee wopuKhtee لطفآ کولی شی چه دا سوال په ساده ژبه کې وپوښتی
Play Button This interview is over. Play Button dagha mosaaheba Khlaasa shwa دغه مصاحبه خلاصه شوه
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