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Play Button Are you having pain? Play Button che vas tzosh bolee? Czy was coś boli?
Play Button Where are you having pain? Play Button gje vas bolee? Gdzie was boli?
Play Button Is the pain here? Play Button che too bolee? Czy tu boli?
Play Button Does anything make the pain better? Play Button che tzokolveek wagojee ten bool? Czy cokolwiek łagodzi ten ból?
Play Button Does anything make the pain worse? Play Button che tzokolveek zaostsha ten bool? Czy cokolwiek zaostrza ten ból?
Play Button Did the pain start today? Play Button che zachenwo bolech jeeshey? Czy zaczęło boleć dzisiaj?
Play Button How many days have you had the pain? Play Button od eeloo dnee tak bolee? Od ilu dni tak boli?
Play Button Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Play Button okreshleche ten bool na skalee od yednego do jeshenchoo? Określcie ten ból na skali od 1 do 10.
Play Button 10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. Play Button jeshench to naygorshe mozhleeve bool, a yeden to brak booloo vogoole 10 to najgorszy możliwy ból, a 1 to brak bólu w ogóle.
Play Button Hold up the number of fingers. Play Button pokashche leetbe na paltzaH Pokażcie liczbę na palcach.
Play Button What is the main problem? Play Button yakee yest nayvazhnyeeshe problem? Jaki jest najważniejszy problem?
Play Button How long have you had the pain? Play Button yak dwoogo tfa ten bool? Jak długo trwa ten ból?
Play Button Show me where the pain started. Play Button pokashche, gje she ten bool zachon Pokażcie, gdzie się ten ból zaczął.
Play Button Does the pain go to the back? Play Button che ten bool psheHojee do tewoo? Czy ten ból przechodzi do tyłu?
Play Button Does the pain go to the testicles? Play Button che ten bool psheHojee do yonder? Czy ten ból przechodzi do jąder?
Play Button Does this pain go to the groin? Play Button che bool ten psheHojee do paHfeen? Czy ból ten przechodzi do pachwin?
Play Button Is this a sharp pain? Play Button che to ostre bool? Czy to ostry ból?
Play Button Is this a dull pain? Play Button che to tenpe bool? Czy to tępy ból?
Play Button Is this a cramping pain? Play Button che to bool skoorchove? Czy to ból skurczowy?
Play Button Is this a constant pain? Play Button che ten bool yest stawe? Czy ten ból jest stały?
Play Button Is this an intermittent pain? Play Button che bolee zpshervamee? Czy boli z przerwami?
Play Button Is this a mild pain? Play Button che bool yest wagodne? Czy ból jest łagodny?
Play Button Is this a moderate pain? Play Button che bool yest oomyarkovane? Czy ból jest umiarkowany?
Play Button Is this a severe pain? Play Button che bool yest sheelne? Czy ból jest silny?
Play Button Is this the worst pain you ever had? Play Button che to bool naygorshe yakee znache? Czy to ból najgorszy jaki znacie?
Play Button Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom? Play Button che yest tzosh, tzo wagojee ten bool? Czy jest coś, co łagodzi ten ból?
Play Button Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom? Play Button che yest tzosh, tzo zvyenksha ten bool? Czy jest coś, co zwiększa ten ból?
Play Button Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this? Play Button che yoozh beleeshche oo kogokolvyek ftey spravye? Czy już byliście u kogokolwiek w tej sprawie?
Play Button What medicines are you taking? Play Button yake lekee pshemooyeche? Jakie leki przyjmujecie?
Play Button Are you experiencing fevers? Play Button che mache goronchke? Czy macie gorączkę?
Play Button Are you experiencing chills? Play Button che mache dreshte? Czy masie dreszcze?
Play Button Are you experiencing nausea? Play Button che mache mdoowoshchee? Czy masie mdłości?
Play Button Are you experiencing vomiting? Play Button che vemyotovaleeshche? Czy wymiotowaliście?
Play Button Are you experiencing diarrhea? Play Button che mache byegoonke? Czy macie biegunkę?
Play Button Are you experiencing loss of appetite? Play Button che stracheeleeshche apetet? Czy straciliście apetyt?
Play Button Are you experiencing headaches? Play Button che mache boole gwove? Czy macie bóle głowy?
Play Button Are you experiencing visual disturbances? Play Button che mache zaboozhenya veezenya? Czy macie zaburzenia widzenia?
Play Button Are you experiencing numbness or tingling? Play Button che myevache ootraten choocha loob kwooche? Czy miewacie utratę czucia lub kłucie?
Play Button Are you experiencing bleeding by mouth or rectum? Play Button che myevache krfaveeyenye z oost loob odbetoo? Czy miewacie krwawienie z ust lub odbytu?
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