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Play Button Do you feel sick? Play Button che tooyeche she zhle? Czy czujecie się źle?
Play Button Did you begin to feel sick today? Play Button che zachenleeshche she tooch zhle jeeshay? Czy zaczęliście się czuć źle dzisiaj?
Play Button How many days have you felt sick? Play Button od eeloo dnyee chooyeche she zhle? Od ilu dni czujecie się źle?
Play Button Is the sickness here? Play Button che bolee too? Czy boli tu?
Play Button Do you feel nauseated? Play Button che tooyeche mdwoshchee? Czy czujecie mdłości?
Play Button Did the nausea start today? Play Button che mdwoshchee zachenwe she jeeshey? Czy mdłości zaczęły się dzisiaj?
Play Button How many days have you had the nausea? Play Button eele dnyee mache te mdwoshchee? Ile dni macie te mdłości?
Play Button Have you been vomiting? Play Button che vemyotovaleeshche? Czy wymiotowaliście?
Play Button Is there any blood in your vomit? Play Button che bewa kref vemyocheenaH? Czy była krew w wymiocinach?
Play Button Is there any black color in your vomit? Play Button che bewo tzosh tzarnego vemyocheenaH? Czy było coś czarnego w wymiocinach?
Play Button Have you had any diarrhea? Play Button che mache byegoonke? Czy macie biegunkę?
Play Button How many times have you had diarrhea today? Play Button eele raze myeleeshche cheshchenye jeeshey? Ile razy mieliście czyszczenie dzisiaj?
Play Button Would your diarrhea today fill this? Play Button che vasha myegoonka zmeshcheewabe she ftem? Czy wasza biegunka zmieściłaby się w tym?
Play Button What color is the diarrhea? Play Button yakego koloroo yest vasha byegoonka? Jakiego koloru jest wasza biegunka?
Play Button Is it red? Play Button che yest chervona? Czy jest czerwona?
Play Button Is it yellow? Play Button che yest zhoota? Czy jest żółta?
Play Button Is it green? Play Button che yest zhelona? Czy jest zielona?
Play Button Is it black? Play Button che yest charna? Czy jest czarna?
Play Button When was the last time you had a bowel movement? Play Button kede ostatnyee raz oddaleeshche stoletz? Kiedy ostatni raz oddaliście stolec?
Play Button Has there been any blood in your stool? Play Button che bewa kref ftoltzoo? Czy była krew w stolcu?
Play Button Are you bleeding from your rectum? Play Button che mache krfaveyenye z odbetoo? Czy macie krwawienie z odbytu?
Play Button Have your stools been black? Play Button che vash stoletz bewo charne? Czy wasz stolec był czarny?
Play Button Do you have fever? Play Button che mache goronchke? Czy macie gorączkę?
Play Button For how many days have you had a fever? Play Button eele dnyee mache goronchke? Ile dni macie gorączkę?
Play Button Does it burn when you urinate? Play Button che tchooyeche peeyechenye ftashe oddavanya mochoo? Czy czujecie pieczenie w czasie oddawania moczu?
Play Button Does it hurt when you urinate? Play Button che odchoovache bool ftashe oddavanya mochoo? Czy odczuwacie ból w czasie oddawania moczu?
Play Button Are you urinating more than usual? Play Button che oddayeche veeyentzey mochoo neezh zvekle? Czy oddajecie więcej moczu niż zwykle?
Play Button Is there blood in the urine? Play Button che bewa kref v mochoo? Czy była krew w moczu?
Play Button When did you eat last? Play Button kede yedleeshche ostatnyee posheewek? Kiedy jedliście ostatni posiłek?
Play Button Are you hungry? Play Button che yesteshche gwodnee? Czy jesteście głodni?
Play Button Do you have worms? Play Button che mache robakee? Czy macie robaki?
Play Button Do you have malaria? Play Button che mache malareeye? Czy macie malarię?
Play Button Do you have tuberculosis? Play Button che mache groozhleetze? Czy macie gruźlicę?
Play Button Do you know what I mean by the term HIV? Play Button che vyeche, tzo znache heev? Czy wiecie, co znaczy HIV?
Play Button Do you know what I mean by the term AIDS? Play Button che vyeche, tzo znache aydz? Czy wiecie, co znaczy AIDS?
Play Button Are you infected with the HIV virus? Play Button che yesteshche nosheechelem heev? Czy jesteście nosicielem HIV?
Play Button Do you have AIDS? Play Button che mache aydz? Czy macie AIDS?
Play Button You need a blood test for the HIV virus. Play Button potshebooyeche testoo krfee na veeroos heev Potrzebujecie testu krwi na wirus HIV
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