![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Is your vision clear in both eyes? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
che veejeeche ostro na oboye ochoo? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Czy widzicie ostro na oboje oczu? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Which eye has a new problem? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
ktoore oko spravya kwopot? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Które oko sprawia kłopot? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Do you see my fingers? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
che veejeeche moye paltze? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Czy widzicie moje palce? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Are they clear? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
che veejeeche ye verazhnye? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Czy widzicie je wyraźnie? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
How many fingers do you see right now? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
eele paltzoof veejeeche teraz? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Ile palców widzicie teraz? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
I am going to be looking into your eyes with this. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
teraz zayzhe vam f oko pshez ten pshezhon |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Teraz zajrzę wam w oko przez ten przyrząd. |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Keep your head still. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
tchemayche gwove nyerooHomo |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Trzymajcie głowę nieruchomo. |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Look straight ahead and focus on an object. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
patshche prosto pshed shebeeye ee skontzentrooytze she na yednem pshedmeeyoche |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Patrzcie prosto przed siebie i skoncentrujcie się na jednym przedmiocie. |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
While I am looking into your eyes, continue to focus on that object. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
patshche nadal na ten pshedmeeyot, kede benden patshewoo vashe oche |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Patrzcie nadal na ten przedmiot, kiedy będę patrzył w wasze oczy. |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
I am going to put some drops into your eye. |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
teraz vam zakropeeye oche |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Teraz wam zakropię oczy. |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |