Guide me to ___. |
mee lehvee aateh ___ |
me leve até ___ . |
Go to ___. |
vaa aateh___ |
vá até ___ . |
Go straight. |
vaa /e/ fr/e/chee |
vá em frente. |
Go to the north. |
vaa paara oo nawRchee |
vá para o norte. |
Go to the east. |
vaa paara lehshchee |
vá para leste. |
Go to the west. |
vaa paara o-ehshchee |
vá para oeste. |
Go to the south. |
vaa paara sool |
vá para sul. |
Follow directions. |
seegaa aash jeereys/o/ysh |
siga as direções. |
Walk to ___. |
kaameenyee aateh ___ |
Caminhe até ___ . |
Walk forward. |
kaameenyee /e/ fr/e/chee |
Caminhe em frente. |
Turn to ___. |
veeree aa ___ |
vire à ___ . |
Turn to the right. |
veeree aa jeerey-eeta |
vire à direita. |
Turn to the left. |
veeree aa eeshkyeRda |
vire à esquerda. |
About face. |
mey-yaa vawltaa |
meia volta. |
Above |
aaseema |
acima |
After |
deypo-ysh |
depois |
Step Back. |
paara traa-ysh |
para trás. |
Behind |
aatraa-ysh |
atrás |
Before |
/a/cheesh |
antes |
Between |
/e/tree |
entre |
Coordinates |
koRdeynaadaash |
Coordenadas |
Degrees |
graawsh |
graus |
Down |
aabaa-yshoo |
abaixo |
East |
lehshchee |
leste |
Far |
l/o/zhee |
longe |
In front of |
naa fr/e/chee jee |
na frente de |
Latitude |
laacheetoojee |
latitude |
Left |
eyshkeyRda |
esquerda |
Longitude |
l/o/zheetoojee |
longitude |
My position is ___. |
m/ee/nyaa pozees/a/oo eh ___ |
minha posição é ___ |
Near |
pehRtoo |
perto |
North |
nawRchee |
norte |
Northeast |
nawRdehsh-chee |
nordeste |
Northwest |
nawRo-ehsh-chee |
noroeste |
Over |
doo otro laadoo |
do outro lado. |
Past |
paasaaR |
passar |
Right |
jeerey-ytaa |
direita |
South |
sool |
sul |
Southeast |
sooldehsh-chee |
sudeste |
Southwest |
sooldoehsh-chee |
sudoeste |
Straight ahead |
/e/ fr/e/chee |
em frente |
Under |
/e/ baa-yshoo |
em baixo |
Up |
aaseemaa |
acima |
West |
oehshchee |
oeste |