Do you have an identity card? |
me'ik ithbaat? |
معك اثبات؟ |
Show me your identification. |
warinee ithbaatik |
ورني اثباتك |
Do you have any bad reactions to medications? |
ay duwa yesabiblik muDhaa'afaat? |
أي دوا يسبب لك مضاعفات؟ |
What is the name of the medication that causes bad reactions? |
wishee al-adweeya alee tesabiblik muDhaa'afaat? |
وشي الادوية اللي تسبب لك مضاعفات؟ |
Do you have any allergies to medicines? |
'indik Hasaaseeya min ay duwa? |
عندك حساسية من اي دوا؟ |