Is this from a vehicle crash? |
hal hee min iSTidaam sayaara? |
هل هي من اصطدام سيارة؟ |
Did a person do this to you? |
aHad sabablik hal iSaaba? |
احد سببلك هالاصابة؟ |
Did you lose consciousness after this happened? |
hal ughmee 'alayk ba'ad alee HaSalik? |
هل اغمي عليك بعد اللي حصلك؟ |
Did you lose more than this much blood? |
hal nazaft akthar min kiTha? |
هل نزفت اكثر من كذا؟ |
Point to all the parts of your body that hurt. |
ashir 'ala mekaan al wija' |
اشر على مكان الوجع |