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Play Button We will set up traffic control points (TCPs) in the area. Play Button a maa daa sheh kee po yin tee see leh nee aBeBe yee A ma dá ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì (TCP) sílẹ̀ ní agbègbè yì í
Play Button The TCP locations will be decided by the MPs. Play Button awoH o loo Paa sho jaa nee o maa Paa sheh ee bee tee awoH sheh kee po yin tee yee maa waa Àwọn ọlọ́ọ̀pá ṣójà (MP) ni ó ma pàṣẹ ibi tí àwọn ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì (TCP) yì í ma wà
Play Button The TCP personnel will work hard to prevent delays. Play Button awoH o shee sheh sheh kee po yin tee maa tee raa mo sheh laa tee ree wee Pay ko see ee daa doo roo Àwọn òṣìṣẹ́ ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì TCP ma tẹ'ra mọ́'ṣẹ́ láti ri wípé kò sí ìdádúró
Play Button Our TCP team will keep records of passing vehicles and units. Play Button awoH o shee sheh sheh kee po yin tee waa maa to jo eh ree awoH oo ko Àwọn òṣìṣẹ́ ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì TCP wa ma tọ́jú ẹ̀rí àwọn ọkọ̀
Play Button The TCP will apprehend violators. Play Button o shee sheh sheh kee po yin tee maa moo awoH aa roo fE Òṣìṣẹ́ ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì TCP ma mú àwọn arúfin
Play Button Make sure refugee traffic does not delay military traffic. Play Button ree wee Pay go see loo awoH to gU shee koo roo nee lay ko daa oo ko awoH o loo gU doo roo Ri wípé gósilò àwọn t'ógun ṣí kúrò ní'lé kò dá ọkọ̀ àwọn ológun dúró
Play Button The TCP personnel will reroute traffic as needed. Play Button awoH o shee sheh sheh kee po yin tee maa da ree awoH oo ko bo baa shay jeh Àwọn òṣìṣẹ́ ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì TCP ma darí àwọn ọkọ̀ bó bá ṣe jẹ́
Play Button Our mission is ongoing until further notice. Play Button awoH ee daa wo lay waa ohn loo laa ee see ee daa doo roo Àwọn ìdáwọ́lé wa n lọ lá ì sí ìdádúró
Play Button Food and water will be supplied by other units. Play Button awoH eh Beh o loo gU meeraH maa Pay say ohn jeh aa tee o mee Àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ológun mìíràn ma pèsè oúnjẹ àti omi
Play Button Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection equipment will be provided. Play Button a maa Pay say eh roo tee o maa ree eh roo jaa noo kee laa, baa yoo loo jee kaa lee aa tee kaa mee kaa lee A ma pèsè ẹ̀rọ tí ó ma rí éròjà núkílà, bàyọ́lọ́jíkàlì àti kẹ́míkàlì (NBC)
Play Button Reflective arm cuffs will be provided. Play Button a maa Pay say a moo ko foo to ohn daH A ma pèsè ámù kọfù tó n dán
Play Button Enemy may use agents acting as refugees. Play Button awoH o taa lay dee bo bee awoH to gU shee koo roo nee lay Àwọn ọ̀tá lè díbọ́n bí i àwọn t'ógun ṣí kúrò ní'lé
Play Button Safety is very important during all operations. Play Button ee daa bo bo shay ko ko nee no BoBo a kee tee yaH Ìdábòbò ṣe kókó nínú gbogbo akitiyan
Play Button We do not allow unauthorized personnel to observe traffic movement. Play Button a ko Baa kee o shee sheh tee ko Baa a sheh shay a ko soo ee laa no ee rE aa jo awoH oo ko A kò gbà kí òṣìṣẹ́ tí kò gba àṣẹ ṣe àkóso ìlànà ìrìnàjò àwọn ọkọ̀
Play Button What is the size of the enemy force? Play Button may loo nee o mo o loo gU awoH o taa? Méèló ni ọmọ ológun àwọn ọ̀tá?
Play Button Where is the exact location of the enemy? Play Button ee bo gaH gaH nee awoH o taa waa? Ibo gangan ni àwọn ọ̀tá wà?
Play Button When exactly did you see enemy units? Play Button ee Baa wo gaH gaH nee o ree awoH eh Beh o gU o taa? Ìgbà wo gangan ni o rí àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ogun ọ̀tá?
Play Button What types of enemy units did you see? Play Button ee roo awoH eh Beh o gU o taa wo loo ree? Irú àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ogun ọ̀tá wo l'orí?
Play Button What type of equipment did the enemy units carry? Play Button ee roo awoH ohn ee jaa wo loo ree loo wo eh Beh o gU o taa? Irú àwọn ohun ìjà wo l'orí l'ọ́wọ́ ẹgbẹ́ ogun ọ̀tá?
Play Button Watch for guerilla activities. Play Button foo raa see a kee tee yaH o gU aa ba lay Fu'ra sí akitiyan ogun abẹ́lẹ̀
Play Button Watch for conventional enemy forces. Play Button foo raa see a kee tee yaH awoH eh Beh o loo gU o taa Fu'ra sí akitiyan àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ológun ọ̀tá
Play Button Watch for enemy aircraft. Play Button foo raa see baa loo awoH eh Beh o loo gU o taa Fu'ra sí bàálù àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ológun ọ̀tá
Play Button Report to us about local inhabitants in the area. Play Button waa so fU wa nee Pa awoH aa raa aBeBe yee Wá sọ fún wa nípa àwọn ará agbègbè yì í
Play Button Set up signs to show directions and distance to TCPs. Play Button shay eh to saa bo doo laa tee so o no a tee ee bee tee sheh kee po yin tee waa Ṣe ètò sanbọ́ọ̀dù láti sọ ọ̀nà àti ibi tí ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì TCP wà
Play Button Direct refugees to refugee routes. Play Button to awoH to gU shee koo roo nee lay see o no o taa tee woh Tọ àwọn t'ógun ṣí kúrò ní'lé sí ọ̀nà ọ̀tà ti nwọn
Play Button Search the surrounding area for enemies. Play Button shay a bee wo aBeBe fU a mee awoH o taa Ṣe àbẹ̀wò agbègbè fún àmì àwọn ọ̀tá
Play Button Park the team's vehicle in a covered and safe position. Play Button paa kee awoH oo ko yE see ee bee aa bo tee ko lay woo Páàkì àwọn ọkọ̀ yín sí ibi àbò tí kò l'ewu
Play Button Set up communication with other TCP units. Play Button shay eh to ee baa nee so roo Peh loo awoH o shee sheh sheh kee po yin tee meeraH Ṣe ètò ìbánisọ̀rọ̀ pẹ̀lú àwọn òṣìṣẹ́ ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì TCP míràn
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