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Play Button This RB is to limit access to this road. Play Button ee Bay gee da no yee nee wee Pay kee a maa jeh kee eh roo Ba o no yee ko jaa RB yì í ni wípé kí a ma jẹ́ kí èrò gba ọ̀nà yì í kọjá
Play Button This RB is to close access to this road. Play Button ee Bay gee da no yee nee wee Pay kee a maa jeh kee eh nee ka nee Ba o no yee ko jaa RB yì í ni wípé kí a ma jẹ́ kí ẹnikẹ́ni gba ọ̀nà yì í kọjá
Play Button These RBs and CPs will ensure only authorized use of this main supply route (MSR). Play Button awoH ee Bay gee da no aa tee sheh kee po yin tee maa ree wee Pay awoH tee o Ba a sheh nee o lay Ba o no ohn laa yee ko jaa Àwọn RB àti CP ma ri wípé àwọn tí ó gba àṣẹ ni ó lè gba ọ̀nà nlá (MSR) yì í kọjá
Play Button These RBs and CPs will ensure that convoys move on schedule. Play Button awoH ee Bay gee da no aa tee sheh kee po yin tee maa ree wee Pay awoH oo ko ee rE aa jo loo laa koko Àwọn RB àti CP ma ri wípé àwọn ọkọ̀ ìrìnàjò lọ l'àkokò
Play Button The position of RBs/CPs will change constantly. Play Button ee Po awoH ee Bay gee da no sheh kee po yin tee maa yaa to day day Ipò àwọn RB/CP ma y'àtọ̀ dèdè
Play Button In a single team operation one member will stop and direct traffic. Play Button nee no a kee tee yaH eh Beh o loo gU o mo o gU ko maa doo roo laa tee daa ree awoH oo ko Nínú akitiyan ẹgbẹ́ ológun, ọmọ ogun kan ma dúró láti daarí àwọn ọkò
Play Button We don't allow anyone to pass without a proper ID. Play Button a kee Ba eh nee ka nee laa yee laa tee ko jaa lay ee nee ee way ee da nee mo to jo jo A kì í gba ẹnikẹ́ni l'áyè láti kọjá láìnì ìwé ìdánimọ̀ tó jọ'jú
Play Button What is your cargo? Play Button awoH eh roo eh daa? Àwọn ẹrù ẹ dà?
Play Button Where are your cargo documents? Play Button awoH ee way eh roo eh daa? Àwọn ìwé ẹrù ẹ dà?
Play Button Where does your cargo originate from? Play Button ee bo nee awoH eh roo eh tee waa? Ibo ni àwọn ẹrù ẹ ti wá?
Play Button Where did you pick up your cargo? Play Button ee bo nee o tee Ba awoH eh roo eh? Ibo ni o ti gba àwọn ẹrù ẹ?
Play Button What is your destination? Play Button ee bo nee ohn loo? Ibo ni o n lọ?
Play Button We will prevent actions that would aid the enemy. Play Button a maa ree wee Pay ko see a kee tee yaH tee o lay raH awoH o taa loo wo A ma ri wípé kò sí akitiyan tí ó lè ran àwọn ọ̀tá l'ọ́wọ́
Play Button We will inspect cargo when instructed to do so. Play Button a maa shay aa Ba wo awoH eh roo tee woH ba so fU waa A ma ṣe àbẹ̀wò àwọn ẹrù tí nwọ́n bá sọ́ fún wa
Play Button We will stop locals from supplying the enemy. Play Button a maa daa awoH aa raa ee loo doo roo laa tee maa lay raH awoH o taa loo wo A ma dá àwọn ará ìlú dúró láti má lè ran àwọn ọ̀tá l'ọ́wọ́
Play Button We are here to stop black market operations. Play Button a waa laa tee fee o Pi see o jaa a Beh leh A wá láti fi òpin sí ọjà abẹ́lẹ̀
Play Button We will establish an area for searching vehicles. Play Button a maa fee ee bee ko see leh fU a Beh wo awoH oo ko A ma fi ibì kan sí'lẹ̀ fún àbẹ̀wò àwọn ọkọ̀
Play Button We have vehicles ready to pursue those avoiding the RBs. Play Button a nee awoH oo ko nee leh laa tee lay awoH tee ohn saa fU ee Bay gee da no A ní àwọn ọkọ̀ ní'lẹ̀ láti lé àwọn tí ó n sá fún RB
Play Button We must prepare defensive positions. Play Button a nee laa tee fee ee bee ko see leh fU a bo bo A ní láti fi ibì kan sí'lẹ̀ fún àbòbò
Play Button We will block roadway shoulders and ditches around RBs. Play Button a maa dee awoH o no aa tee ko to nee aa yee ka ee Bay gee da no A ma dí àwọn ọ̀nà àti kòtò ní àyíká RB
Play Button Show me your vehicle's ID papers. Play Button fee ee way oo ko reh haH mee Fi ìwé ọkò rẹ hàn mí
Play Button Show me your papers for the cargo. Play Button fee ee way eh roo haH mee Fi ìwé ẹrù hàn mí
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