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Play Button We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. Play Button a nee laa tee mo awoH ee bee tee a lay tee ree ee raH loo wo Pa jaa wee ree A ní láti mọ àwọn ibì tí a lè ti rí ìrànlọ́wọ́ pàjáwìrì
Play Button Our task is to control route security measures. Play Button ee sheh waa nee laa tee bo jo to eh woo awoH o no ee rE aa jo Iṣẹ́ wa ni láti bójútó ewu àwọn ọ̀nà ìrìnàjò
Play Button We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. Play Button a maa Pi awoH a faa raa nee Pa ee woH oo ko tee woH lay Bay A ma pín àwọn afárá nípa ìwọ̀n ọkọ̀ tí nwọn lè gbé
Play Button We need areas suitable for short halts. Play Button a nee laa tee fee awoH ee bee ko see leh fU ee daa ko doo roo kay kay ray A ní láti fi àwọn ibì kan sí'lẹ̀ fún ìdákọ́dúró kékeré
Play Button Where does this road lead to? Play Button ee bo nee o no yee jaa see? Ibo ni ọ̀nà yí já sí?
Play Button Which towns does this road run through? Play Button awoH ee loo ee bo nee o no yee Baa ko jaa? Àwọn ìlú ibo ni ọ̀nà yí gbà kọjá?
Play Button Is the road paved or unpaved? Play Button shay tee tee o loo daa nee eh yee taa bee eh lay roo koo? Ṣé títì ọlọ́dà ni èyí tàbí eléruku?
Play Button Is there an alternate route? Play Button shay o no meeraH waa? Ṣé ọ̀nà míràn wá à?
Play Button Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? Play Button shay o no waa laa tee ko jaa laa raa ee day no yee? Ṣé ọ̀nà wà láti kọjá lára ìdènà yì í?
Play Button Are there bridges on this route? Play Button shay awoH a faa raa waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn afárá wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Are there overpasses on this route? Play Button shay awoH a faa raa o kay waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn afárá òkè wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Is there construction on this route? Play Button shay woH tU tee tee shay nee o no yee? Ṣé nwọ́n n tún títì ṣe ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Are there many potholes in this road? Play Button shay ko to Po nee o no yee? Ṣé kòtò pọ̀ ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button How wide is the road? Play Button baa wo nee tee tee na tee feh to? Báwo ni títì ná à ti fẹ̀ tó?
Play Button Are there steep hills on this road? Play Button shay awoH o kay Po nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn òkè pọ̀ ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Are there sharp curves on this road? Play Button shay awoH ko na Po nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn kọ́nà pọ̀ ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Does this route lead through tunnels? Play Button shay o no yee Ba ee no ee ho ko jaa? Ṣé ọ̀nà yì í gba inú ihò kọjá?
Play Button Do you know how to read a map? Play Button shay o mo maa poo loo? Ṣé o mọ máàpù ló ò?
Play Button Are there enemy units in this area? Play Button shay awoH eh Beh o loo gU o taa waa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ológun ọ̀tá wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Are there friendly units in this area? Play Button shay awoH eh Beh o loo gU aa raa wa waa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ológun arawa wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Are there wooded areas nearby? Play Button shay awoH ee Bo waa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé àwọn igbó wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Are there rivers near this route? Play Button shay awoH o mee o do waa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé àwọn omi odò wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button How many miles? Play Button maa yee lee may loo? Máìlì méèló?
Play Button How many kilometers? Play Button kee loo mee taa may loo? Kìlómítà méèló?
Play Button Are there major highways on this route? Play Button shay awoH tee tee ee rE aa jo ohn laa waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn títì ìrìnàjò nlá wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Are any major roads on this route? Play Button shay awoH tee tee ohn laa waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn títì nlá wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Is there a railway near this road? Play Button shay ray loo way waa nee eh baa o no yee? Ṣé rélùweè wà ní ẹ̀bá ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Are the railway tracks in use? Play Button shay o no ray loo way na ohn shee sheh? Ṣé ọ̀nà rélùweè ná à nṣiṣẹ́?
Play Button Is there a railway crossing? Play Button shay ee soo daa o no ray loo way waa? Ṣé ìsọdá ọ̀nà rélùweè wà?
Play Button Are there any busy intersections on this route? Play Button shay go see loo waa nee bee awoH jon kee sho no o no yee? Ṣé gósilò wà níbi àwọn jọ́nkíṣọ̀nù ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Does this route experience heavy traffic? Play Button shay go see loo maa ohn waa nee o no yee? Ṣé gósilò má a nwà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Does this road have curbs? Play Button shay tee tee yee nee eh tee eh baa o no? Ṣé títì yì í ní etí ẹ̀bá ọ̀nà?
Play Button Are there sidewalks lining the road? Play Button shay tee tee yee nee eh baa ee rE seh? Ṣé títì yì í ní ẹ̀bá ìrìnsẹ̀?
Play Button Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? Play Button shay awoH eh leh seh tee o ohn soo daa nee tee tee na Po? Ṣé àwọn ẹlẹ́sẹ̀ tí ó n'sọdá ní títì ná à pọ̀?
Play Button Are there any minefields near this route? Play Button shay awoH PaPa tee o nee ohn ee jaa o loo roo ee no ee leh waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn pápá tí ó ní oun ìjà olóró inú ilẹ̀ wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Are there any landmarks near this route? Play Button shay awoH ohn ko Pa taa kee waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn nkan pàtàkì wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button How much weight can the bridge carry? Play Button ee woh oo ko may loo nee a faa raa na lay Bay? Ìwọ̀n ọkọ̀ méèló ni afárá ná à lè gbé?
Play Button What material is the bridge made of? Play Button kee nee woH fee ko a faa raa na? Kíni nwọ́n fi kọ afárá ná à?
Play Button How wide is the tunnel? Play Button baa wo nee tee tee ee no ee ho tee feh to? Báwo ni títì inú ihò ti fẹ̀ tó?
Play Button How high is the tunnel? Play Button baa wo nee tee tee ee no ee ho tee ga to? Báwo ni títì inú ihò ti ga tó?
Play Button How long is the tunnel? Play Button baa wo nee tee tee ee no ee ho tee gU to? Báwo ni títì inú ihò ti gùn tó?
Play Button Is there a checkpoint on this road? Play Button shay sheh kee po yin tee waa nee o no yee? Ṣé ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? Play Button shay ee da no roo (eh yee jeh o no tee rE tee o maa ohn daa ee laa awoH o mo o gU a tee oo ko woH roo) waa nee o no yee? Ṣé ìdànọ̀ rú (èyí jẹ́ ọ̀nà tínrín, tí ó ma n da ìlà àwọn ọmọ ogun àti ọkọ̀ nwọn rú ) wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Is a defile being planned on the road? Play Button shay eh to ee daa no roo waa fU o no yee? Ṣé ètò ìdànọ̀ rú wà fún ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Is the road blocked? Play Button shay o no tee dee? Ṣé ọ̀nà ti dí?
Play Button Is the road flooded? Play Button shay o mee tee ya o no? Ṣé omí ti ya ọ̀nà?
Play Button Is the road clear? Play Button shay o no tee daa? Ṣé ọ̀nà ti dá?
Play Button What is blocking the road? Play Button kee loo dee o no? Kí ló dí ọ̀nà?
Play Button Does this road get flooded often? Play Button shay o mee maa ohn ya o no yee? Ṣé omí má a n'ya ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Are there checkpoints on the road? Play Button shay awoH sheh kee po yin tee waa nee o no? Ṣé àwọn ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì wà ní ọ̀nà?
Play Button Does the road get narrow? Play Button shay o no no ohn dee kay kay ray? Ṣé ọ̀nà ná à n di kékeré?
Play Button Are there overhead obstructions on this route? Play Button shay awoH ee dee no o kay waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn ìdínà òkè wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? Play Button ee dee na o kay wo nee o waa see leh jo nee o no yee? Ìdínà òkè wo ni ó wà sílẹ̀ jù ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Can you cross the river at this location? Play Button shay o lay ko jaa o do nee bee yee? Ṣé o lè kọjá odò níbí yì í?
Play Button How wide is the river at this crossing point? Play Button baa wo nee o do no tee feh to nee ee bee ee soo daa yee? Báwo ni odò ná à ti fẹ̀ tó ní ibi ìsọdá yì í?
Play Button Can the crossing be used by vehicles? Play Button shay awoH oo ko lay loo ee bee ee soo daa yee? Ṣé àwọn ọkọ̀ lè lo ibi ìsọdá yì í?
Play Button Is this a fast-moving stream? Play Button shay o do shee sho nee yee? Ṣé odò ṣíṣàn nì yí?
Play Button How fast is the water in this river? Play Button baa wo nee o do shee sho no tee ohn saa ray see? Báwo ni odò ṣíṣàn ná à ti n sáré sí?
Play Button How deep is this waterway? Play Button baa wo nee o do no tee jin see? Báwo ni odò ná à ti jìn sí?
Play Button Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? Play Button shay woH lay ko jaa o do no nee a ko ko o dU yee? Ṣé nwọ́n lè kọjá odò ná à ní àkokò odún yì í?
Play Button Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? Play Button shay o mee o do no maa ohn ya nee o jee jee nee a ko ko o dU yee? Ṣé omí odò ná à má a n'ya ní òjijì ní àkokò odún yì í?
Play Button Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? Play Button shay awoH oo ko taa ohn laa waa nee no o do no? Ṣé àwọn òkúta nlá wà nínú odò ná à?
Play Button Are the riverbanks very steep? Play Button shay eh tee o do no jee gaH? Ṣé etí odò ná à jìn gan?
Play Button Are there barriers on the riverbank? Play Button shay o Baa waa nee eh tee o do na? Ṣé ogbà wà ní etí odò ná à?
Play Button Has the roadway eroded? Play Button shay o do tee sho tee tee loo? Ṣé odò ti ṣan títì lọ?
Play Button Is there any snow on this route? Play Button shay o jo yEyE roo see o no yee? Ṣé òjò yìnyín rọ̀ sí ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Is this route covered with ice? Play Button shay yEyE tee bo o no yee? Ṣé yìnyín ti bo ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Clear the road. Play Button Pa o no mo Pa ọ̀nà mọ́
Play Button Mark critical points on the map. Play Button saa mee see awoH ee bee tee o shay ko ko nee no maa poo yee Sà mi sí àwọn ibi tí ó ṣe kókó nínú máàpù yì í
Play Button Show me on the map. Play Button to ka see mee nee no maa poo yee Tọ́'ka sí mi nínú máàpù yì í
Play Button Show me which direction the vehicles came from. Play Button to ka see a Paa ee bee tee awoH oo ko no tee waa Tọ́'ka sí apá ibi tí àwọn ọkọ̀ ná à ti wá
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