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Play Button We are leading a convoy through this area. Play Button a feh moo awoH oo ko ee rE aa jo ko jaa ee bee yee A fẹ́ mú àwọn ọkọ̀ ìrìnàjò kọjá ibí yì í
Play Button We are responsible for the security of the convoy. Play Button ee sheh waa nee ee da bo bo fU awoH oo ko ee rE aa jo na Iṣẹ́ wa ni ìdábòbò fún àwọn ọkọ̀ ìrìnàjò ná à
Play Button We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. Play Button a nee laa tee shay a bay wo BoBo awoH oo ko A ní láti ṣe àbẹ̀wọ̀ gbogbo àwọn ọkọ̀
Play Button We must drive the convoy through this intersection. Play Button a nee laa tee waa awoH oo ko ee rE aa jo ko jaa nee jo kee sho no yee A ní láti wa àwọn ọkọ̀ ìrìnàjò kọjá ní jọ́nkíṣọ̀nù yì í
Play Button We are escorting the convoy. Play Button a ohn moo awoH oo ko ee rE aa jo yee ko jaa A n mú àwọn ọkọ̀ ìrìnàjò yì í kọjá
Play Button We must seek an alternate route. Play Button a nee laa tee waa o no meeraH A ní láti wa ọ̀nà míràn
Play Button We will use tanks to detonate mines. Play Button a maa loo oo ko o gU ohn laa laa tee ya jo o hU ee jaa o loo roo ee no ee leh A ma lo ọkọ̀ ogun nlá láti yanjú oun ìjà olóró inú ilẹ̀
Play Button Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. Play Button awoH a fE jo o nee boH leh nee bo fU awoH oo ko ee rE aa jo nee aBeBe yee Àwọn afínjú oníbọn lè yìnbọn fún àwọn ọkọ̀ ìrìnàjò ní agbègbè yì í
Play Button Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. Play Button woH lay ree o hU ee jaam baa o loo roo see no ee leh Nwọ́n lè ri oun ìjàmbá olóró sínú ilẹ̀
Play Button The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. Play Button awoH oo ko ee rE aa jo yee a maa ko jaa loo tee woh baa tee ya jo awoH o loo day no Àwọn ọkọ̀ ìrìnàjò yì í á ma kọjá lọ tí nwọ́n bá ti yanjú àwọn olùdènà
Play Button Is there a bridge to cross the river? Play Button shay a faa raa waa laa tee ko jaa o do na? Ṣẹ́ afárá wà láti kọjá odò ná à?
Play Button Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? Play Button shay a faa raa yee lay Beh awoH oo ko ohn laa? Ṣẹ́ afárá yì í lè gbé àwọn ọkọ̀ nlá?
Play Button Does this road lead through any towns? Play Button shay o no yee Ba aa rE ee loo ko jaa? Ṣẹ́ ọ̀nà yì í gba àárín ìlú kọjá?
Play Button Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? Play Button shay o no yee Ba aa rE ee bee go see loo ko jaa? Ṣẹ́ ọ̀nà yì í gba àárín ibi gósilò kọjá?
Play Button Are there friendly units in this area? Play Button shay awoH eh Beh o loo gU aa raa wa waa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ológun arawa wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Was enemy activity reported in this area? Play Button shay woH so nee Pa aa kee tee ya awoH eh Beh o loo gU o taa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé nwọ́n sọ nípa akitiyan àwọn ẹgbẹ́ ológun ọ̀tá ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Are there checkpoints on this road? Play Button shay awoH sheh kee po yin tee waa nee o no yee? Ṣé àwọn ṣẹ́kí pọnìtì wà ní ọ̀nà yì í?
Play Button Is there a site to refuel? Play Button shay ee bee tee woH tee ohn roo Po waa? Ṣé ibi tí nwọ́n ti rọ'po wà?
Play Button Are there areas to take cover? Play Button shay ee bee a bo waa nee Ba Pa jaa wee ree eh woo? Ṣé ibi àbò wà nígbà pàjáwìrì ewu?
Play Button We need assistance. Play Button a feh ee raH loo wo A fẹ́ ìrànlọ́wọ́
Play Button Look out for booby traps in the area. Play Button sho ra fU ee woo ee taH jeh awoH o taa nee aBeBe yee Ṣọ́ra fún ewu ìtànjẹ àwọn ọ̀tá ní agbègbè yì í
Play Button Do not drive on the shoulder of the road. Play Button maa shay waa oo ko nee eh baa tee tee Má ṣe wa ọkọ̀ ní ẹ̀bá títì
Play Button Follow the vehicle in front of you. Play Button tel lay oo ko tee o waa nee ee waa jo reh Tẹ̀lẹ́ ọkọ̀ tí ó wà ní iwájú rẹ
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