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Play Button We are assisting local law enforcement by assessing the criminal activity and security concerns in this area. Play Button dee aree ya yeh ya za wook pyit hmo neh lon chon yey a twek dey tha Khan oo pa dey a phweh tee dunk Khaayn myeh pho naa do a tawk a ko pey ba meh
Play Button Would you be willing to discuss safety concerns you have about ___? Play Button min yeh ___ lon chon yey a twek sayt pa lek pa swey nwey chin yeh lar?
Play Button Your name will not be associated with any information you provide. Play Button min yeh ta din po chek dwey neh pah thek pee min naa meh go ma pa sey ya bo
Play Button The information will be used to protect people in the neighborhood, the local police, politicians, and military from groups that wish to cause instability. Play Button eyn nee nar chin shee pee tho lo to, dey tha Khan pa layt, naayn nan yey tha mar myar neh sit tah ok so dwey go ka kweh pho a twek dee ta din go a thon cha pee ma tee ma nyan phyit auwn ma loyt ba bo
Play Button By providing information on ___ you will help to save lives. Play Button ta din myar go ___ po pey ney yin min do yeh a thek lon chon hmo a twek ko nyee ya yawk ba deh
Play Button Have you been asked by any other US personnel to assist in providing information? Play Button ta char a mey ree kan a hmo tan dwey ga min go ta din pey pho a ko a nyee tawn da a mey Khan Kheh pho lar?
Play Button How long have you lived at ___? Play Button ___ maa min beh lawk jaa jaa ney Kheh leh?
Play Button What are your feelings about the US presence in the area? Play Button a mey ree kan dwey dee aree ya maa shee ney da min sayt teh maa beh lo Khan sar ya leh?
Play Button Would you be willing to contact me in the future if you observed something suspicious? Play Button a keh ywey ma thin ga da twey Kheh yin nawn ka la maa naa do go lo lo lar lar sek thweh chin lar?
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