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Play Button What is the type and name of the boat? Play Button ey noo' wu ism il aarib? إيه نوع واسم القارب؟
Play Button What weapons are mounted on the boat? Play Button ey il asleHa il mitrakiba 'ala il aarib? إيه الأسلحة المتركبة على القارب؟
Play Button Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? Play Button il aarib dah Senaa'a 'askareeya wala madaneeya? القارب ده صناعة عسكرية ولا مدنية؟
Play Button Does this boat belong to the military? Play Button il aarib dah taba' il 'askareeyeen? القارب ده تبع العسكريين؟
Play Button What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? Play Button ey il 'alaamaat il mumayaza 'ala il qaarib? asleHa? mu'edaat? أيه العلامات المميزة على القارب؟ أسلحة؟ معدات؟
Play Button Is there a communication mast on the boat? Play Button fee hawaa-ee iteSaalaat 'ala il aarib? في هوائي اتصالات على القارب؟
Play Button Where and when did you last observe this boat? Play Button feyn wu imta shuft il aarib aKher mara? فين وإمتى شفت القارب آخر مرة؟
Play Button Did another boat support and protect this boat? Play Button fee aarib taanee beysaa'ed wu yeHmee il aarib dah? في قارب تاني بيساعد ويحمي القارب ده؟
Play Button Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? Play Button qaa' il aarib musaTaH wala mudawar? قاع القارب مسطح ولا مدور؟
Play Button Where is the vehicle stored? Play Button il markaba mitKhazena feyn? المركبة متخزنه فين؟
Play Button Are there any armored or reinforced parts on the boat? Play Button fee ay agzaa mudara'a aw muda'ama 'ala il aarib? في أي أجزاء مدرعة أو مدعمة على القارب؟
Play Button What else can you tell me about this boat? Play Button ti-dar tu-ool lee ey kamaan 'an il aarib dah? تقدر تقول لي إيه كمان عن القارب ده؟
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