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Play Button What is the condition of the weapon? Play Button shinu Haalit is-seelaaH? شنو حالة السلاح؟
Play Button Why is the weapon in this condition? Play Button 'alaash is-seelaaH fee il-Haala haadee? علاش السلاح في الحاله هذي؟
Play Button Who maintains the weapons? Play Button shkoon yeenaDif fee is-slaaH? شكون ينظف في السلاح؟
Play Button How do you get replacement parts and weapons? Play Button keef tit-HaSil 'aley qiTa' il-gheeyaar wal-asleeHa? كيف تتحصل علي قطع الغيار والأسلحه؟
Play Button Where are the weapons stored? Play Button weyn il-asleeHa imKhazna? وين الأسلحه مخزنه؟
Play Button Is the storage facility guarded? Play Button hal il-maKhzin maHroos? هل المخزن محروس؟
Play Button How are the weapons transported? Play Button keef tunqal il-asleeHa? كيف تنقل الأسلحه؟
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