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Play Button We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. Play Button women biShu ChueRen women dzai nar keyi dedao jinji bangJu. 我们必须确认我们在哪儿可以得到紧急帮助。
Play Button Our task is to control route security measures. Play Button women de Renwu shi kongJi luShan anChuan de shouduan. 我们的任务是控制路线安全的手段。
Play Button We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. Play Button women jiang genju Jongliang de ShanJi li Chuen geJong Chiaoliang. 我们将根据重量的限制来区分各种桥梁。
Play Button We need areas suitable for short halts. Play Button women Shuyao shihe duanJan tingliu de diang. 我们需要适合短暂停留的地方。
Play Button Where does this road lead to? Play Button Jetiaolu tong nar? 这条路通哪儿?
Play Button Which towns does this road run through? Play Button Jetiaolu chuanguo nar ge chenshi? 这条路穿过哪个城市?
Play Button Is the road paved or unpaved? Play Button natiaolu pu hao le ma? 那条路铺好了吗?
Play Button Is there an alternate route? Play Button youmeiyou biede tidai luShian? 有没有别的替代路线?
Play Button Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? Play Button you shenme bana keyi yuegwo Jege Jangai? 有什么办法可以越过这个障碍?
Play Button Are there bridges on this route? Play Button Jetiaolu shang you Chao ma? 这条路上有桥吗?
Play Button Are there overpasses on this route? Play Button Jetiao lushang you gaojiaChiao ma? 这条路上有高架桥吗?
Play Button Is there construction on this route? Play Button JetiaoluShian haidzai Shiujian ma? 这条路线还在修建吗?
Play Button Are there many potholes in this road? Play Button Jetiaolushang you henduolumian aowo ma? 这条路上有很多路面凹窝吗?
Play Button How wide is the road? Play Button Jetiaolu you duo kwan? 这条路有多宽?
Play Button Are there steep hills on this road? Play Button jetiaolushang you doupo ma? 这条路上有陡坡吗?
Play Button Are there sharp curves on this road? Play Button jetiaolushang you jiJuanwan ma? 这条路上有急转弯吗?
Play Button Does this route lead through tunnels? Play Button JetiaoluShian tongguo diShia tongdao ma? 这条路线通过地下通道吗?
Play Button Do you know how to read a map? Play Button ni Jidao dzenme kan ditu ma? 你知道怎么看地图吗?
Play Button Are there enemy units in this area? Play Button JegediChu you diRen de budui ma? 这个地区有敌人的部队吗?
Play Button Are there friendly units in this area? Play Button JegediChu you youjun de budui ma? 这个地区有友军的部队吗?
Play Button Are there wooded areas nearby? Play Button ujin you linChu ma? 附近有林区吗?
Play Button Are there rivers near this route? Play Button JetiaoluShian fujin you heliu ma? 这条路线附近有河流吗?
Play Button How many miles? Play Button duoshao yingli? 多少英里?
Play Button How many kilometers? Play Button duoshao gongli? 多少公里?
Play Button Are there major highways on this route? Play Button JetiaoluShian you gaoshu gonglu ma? 这条路线有高速公路吗?
Play Button Are any major roads on this route? Play Button JeiaoluShian you Juyao daolu ma? 这条路线有主要道路吗?
Play Button Is there a railway near this road? Play Button Jetiaolu ujin you tielu ma? 这条路附近有铁路吗?
Play Button Are the railway tracks in use? Play Button JeShie tiegwi haiJai shiyong ma? 这些铁轨还在使用吗?
Play Button Is there a railway crossing? Play Button nar you tielu jiaochakou ma? 那儿有铁路交岔口吗?
Play Button Are there any busy intersections on this route? Play Button JetiaoluSjhianshang you shenme fanmang de jiaochakou ma? 这条路线上有什么繁忙的交叉路口吗?
Play Button Does this route experience heavy traffic? Play Button JetiaoluShian shibushi feichang yongji? 这条路线是不是非常拥挤?
Play Button Does this road have curbs? Play Button Jetiaolu you RenShingdao luyan ma? 这条路有人行道路沿吗?
Play Button Are there sidewalks lining the road? Play Button Jetiaolu you RenShingdao ma? 这条路有人行道吗?
Play Button Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? Play Button Jetiaolushng you ShingRen Shingdzou ma? 这条路上有行人行走吗?
Play Button Are there any minefields near this route? Play Button JetiaoluShian fujin you dileiChu ma? 这条路线附近有地雷区吗?
Play Button Are there any landmarks near this route? Play Button JetiaoluShianshang you shenme jiaJu biaoJi? 这条路线上有什么建筑标志?
Play Button How much weight can the bridge carry? Play Button JeJuoChiao keyi chenshou duoshao Jongliang? 这座桥可以承受多少重量?
Play Button What material is the bridge made of? Play Button JeJuoChao shi yong shenme tsailiao Shiujian de? 这座桥是用什么材料修建的?
Play Button How wide is the tunnel? Play Button Jetioshuidao you duo kwan? 这条隧道有多宽?
Play Button How high is the tunnel? Play Button Je diShia tongdao you duogao? 这地下通道有多高?
Play Button How long is the tunnel? Play Button jediShiao tiao shuidao you duochang? 这条水隧道有多长?
Play Button Is there a checkpoint on this road? Play Button Jetiaolushang you jianchaJan ma? 这条路上有检查站吗?
Play Button Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? Play Button buduihe cheliang de Shingdong hui shoudao yingShiang? 这条路上部队和车辆的行动会受到限制?
Play Button Is a defile being planned on the road? Play Button Jetiaolushang youmeiyou jihua shiJe Shiaodzai de diduan? 这条路上 有没有计划设置狭窄的地段?
Play Button Is the road blocked? Play Button Jetiaolu shibushi feng le? 这条路是不是封了?
Play Button Is the road flooded? Play Button jetiaolu shibushi beishui tsongle? 这条路是不是被水冲了?
Play Button Is the road clear? Play Button Jetiaolu tongchang ma? 这条路畅通吗?
Play Button What is blocking the road? Play Button Jetiaolu you shenme Jangaiwu? 这条路有什么障碍物?
Play Button Does this road get flooded often? Play Button Jetiaolu changchang beishui yan ma? 这条路常常被水淹吗?
Play Button Are there checkpoints on the road? Play Button jetiaolushang you jianchaJan ma? 这条路上有检查站吗?
Play Button Does the road get narrow? Play Button lu bian Jai le ma? 路变窄了吗?
Play Button Are there overhead obstructions on this route? Play Button JetiaoluShian you toudingshang you Jangai ma? 这条路线头顶上有障碍吗?
Play Button What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? Play Button JetiaoluShian de dzuidi touding jingkong you duo gao? 这条路线的最低头顶净空有多高?
Play Button Can you cross the river at this location? Play Button ni neng dzai Jegedifang guohe ma? 你能在这个地方 过河吗?
Play Button How wide is the river at this crossing point? Play Button Jetiaohe de dukou hemian you duo kwan? 这条河的渡口河面有多宽?
Play Button Can the crossing be used by vehicles? Play Button Jegedukou biede cheliang keyi shiyong ma? 这个渡口别的车辆可以使用吗?
Play Button Is this a fast-moving stream? Play Button Jeshi jiliu ma? 这是激流吗?
Play Button How fast is the water in this river? Play Button Jekeli de heliu you duo kwai? 这河里的水流有多快?
Play Button How deep is this waterway? Play Button Jetiaoshuidao you duo shen? 这条水道有多深?
Play Button Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? Play Button Shiandzai Jegejijie, keyi guo JetiaoShiliu ma? 现在这个季节,可以过这条溪流吗?
Play Button Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? Play Button Shiandzi dzaegejijie,Jetiaohe huibuhui tuRan anlan? 现在这个季节,这条河会不会突然 泛滥?
Play Button Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? Play Button JehechungdiShia shibushi you henduo dashitou? 这河床底下是不是有很多大石头?
Play Button Are the riverbanks very steep? Play Button hean shibushi hendou? 河岸是不是很陡?
Play Button Are there barriers on the riverbank? Play Button heanshang you lanJang m? 河岸上有栏障吗?
Play Button Has the roadway eroded? Play Button daolu shibushi you nitu liushi? 道路是不是有泥土 流失?
Play Button Is there any snow on this route? Play Button JetiaoShianlushang you Shue ma? 这条线路上有雪吗?
Play Button Is this route covered with ice? Play Button JetiaoluShinshang shibushi you bing? 这条路线上是不是有冰?
Play Button Clear the road. Play Button Chingshao Jetiaodaolu. 清扫这条道路。
Play Button Mark critical points on the map. Play Button Jai ditushang ba gwanjian de didian huachulai. 在地图上把关键的地点画出来。
Play Button Show me on the map. Play Button gei wo kankan ditu. 给我看看地图。
Play Button Show me which direction the vehicles came from. Play Button gaoshu wo JeShiecheliang shi tsong nar lai de? 告诉我这些车辆是从哪儿来的?
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