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Play Button We are establishing a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles). Play Button moonga tangey laaRey joRlwoo مونږه تنګی ﻻری جوړو
Play Button The MP will allow traffic to move in only one direction at a time through the defile. Play Button pozee polees ba pu tango laaRo key pu yo waKht key yo Khwaa taa da tRafik talalo ijaazat waRkawee پوځی پوليس به په تنګو ﻻرو کې په يو وخت کې يو خوا ته د ټريفک تللو اجازت ورکوی
Play Button Controls at defiles ensure that traffic moves with little delay. Play Button toley tangey laaRey kantRol kRlee aw daa KhabaRa yakeenee kRlee che tRafik kam band shee ټولی تنګی ﻻری کنټرول کړی او دا خبره يقينی کړی چه ټريفک کم بند شی
Play Button Have you been checked by security? Play Button taaso sekooRtee waalaa chek kRlee yee? تاسو سيکورټی والا چيک کړی يی؟
Play Button Is there heavy traffic in this area? Play Button pu dey ilaakey key tRafik zyaat wee? په دی علاقی کې ټريفک زيات وی؟
Play Button Do you know that this road is off limits to local residents? Play Button aayaa taaso taa maalooma daa che daa saRlak makaamee aabaadee da paaRa manaa dey? ايا تاسو ته معلومه ده چه دا سړک مقامی ابادی د پاره منع دی؟
Play Button Move in one direction only. Play Button siRaf yo taRaf taa za صرف يو طرف ته ځه
Play Button Proceed after military vehicles have passed. Play Button kala che pozee gaardee teyR shee no byaa laaRl shaa کله چه پوځی ګاډی تير شی نو بيا ﻻړ شه
Play Button Do not bypass the security checkpoint. Play Button hifaazatee chokee na bal Khwaa taa ma teyReyga حفاظتی چوکی نه بل خوا ته مه تيريږه
Play Button Please follow the signs. Play Button meheRbaanee okRlaa ishaaRo pasey za مهربانی وکړه اشارو پسی ځه
Play Button Move the vehicle to the side of the road. Play Button gaardey saRlak ghaRley taa boza ګاډی سړک غاړی ته بوځه
Play Button Clear the road. Play Button saRlak safaa kRlaa سړک صفا کړه
Play Button Clear the area. Play Button ilaakaa safaa kRlaa علاقه صفا کړه
Play Button Follow this vehicle. Play Button gaardee pasey za ګاډی پسی ځه
Play Button Search this vehicle. Play Button da gaardee talaashee okRlaa د ګاډی تلاشی وکړه
Play Button Secure the entire area for the convoy. Play Button da kaafiley da paaRa tola ilaakaa meh-fooza kRlee د قافلی د پاره ټوله علاقه محفوظه کړی
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