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Play Button We will set up traffic control points (TCPs) in the area. Play Button eyma Khaalee kontrolee haatoo cho lam naawa daadaneyn ئێمه خاڵی كۆنتڕۆلی هاتوچۆ له‌م ناوه داده‌نێین
Play Button The TCP locations will be decided by the MPs. Play Button shwenakaanee kontrol poleesee sarbaazee breeyaaree la sar dadaa شوێنه‌كانی كۆنتڕۆڵ پۆلیسی سه‌ربازی بڕیاری له‌سه‌ر ده‌دا
Play Button The TCP personnel will work hard to prevent delays. Play Button kaarmandee Khaalee kontrol Khoyaan maandoo dakan taa Khalk dwaa nakawet کارمه‌ندى خاڵى کۆنترۆڵ خۆيان ماندوو ده‌که‌ن تا خه‌ڵک دوا نه‌که‌وێت
Play Button Our TCP team will keep records of passing vehicles and units. Play Button kaarmandaanee Khaalee kontrol otombeloo yakakaanee teparboo tomaar dekaat كارمه‌ندانی خاڵی كۆنتڕۆڵ ئۆتۆمبێل و یه‌كه‌كانی تێپه‌ڕبوو تۆمار ده‌كات
Play Button The TCP will apprehend violators. Play Button kaarmandaanee Khaalee kontrol sarpecheekaraan dagrey كارمه‌ندانی خاڵی کۆنترۆڵ سه‌رپێچیكه‌ران ده‌گرێ
Play Button Make sure refugee traffic does not delay military traffic. Play Button aagaadaar ba haatoochoy aawaarakaan haatoochoy sarbaazee duwaa naKhaat ئاگادار به هاتوچۆی ئاواره‌كان هاتوچۆی سه‌ربازی دوا نه‌خات
Play Button The TCP personnel will reroute traffic as needed. Play Button kaarmandaanee Khaalee kontrol rey haatoocho dagoren ba pey peweest كارمه‌ندانی خاڵی كۆنتڕۆڵ ڕێی هاتوچۆ ده‌گۆڕن به پێی پێویست
Play Button Our mission is ongoing until further notice. Play Button kaarakaanmaan bardawaam dabeyt taa aagaadaaryechee tir كاره‌كانمان به‌رده‌وام ده‌بێت تا ئاگاداریێكی تر
Play Button Food and water will be supplied by other units. Play Button yakakaanee tir Khoraako aaw daabeen dakan یه‌كه‌كانی تر خۆراك و ئاو دابین ده‌كه‌ن
Play Button Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection equipment will be provided. Play Button aameree dozeenaway chakee atomyo baayolojeeyo keemyaawee daabeen dakrey ئامێری دۆزینه‌وه‌ی چه‌كی ئه‌تۆمی و بایۆلۆجی و كیمیاوی دابین ده‌كرێ
Play Button Reflective arm cuffs will be provided. Play Button kalapchay dast daabeen dakrey كه‌له‌پچه‌ی ده‌ست دابین ده‌كرێ
Play Button Enemy may use agents acting as refugees. Play Button jaasosakaanee doozhmin ranga ba shewaazee aawaara kaar bikan جاسوسه كانی دوژمن ڕه‌نگه‌ به‌ شێوازى ئاواره كار بكه‌ن
Play Button Safety is very important during all operations. Play Button la hamoo chaalaachyekdaa salaamatee zor greenga له هه‌موو چالاكیه‌كا‌ن دا سه‌لامه‌تی زۆر گرینگه
Play Button We do not allow unauthorized personnel to observe traffic movement. Play Button naaheleen kasekee be molat chaawderee haatoocho bikaat ناهێڵین كه‌سێكی بێ مۆڵه‌ت چاودێری هاتوچۆ بكات
Play Button What is the size of the enemy force? Play Button qabaaray hezee doozhmin chanda? قه‌باره‌ی هێزی دوژمن چه‌نده؟
Play Button Where is the exact location of the enemy? Play Button shwenee doozhmin la kwe ya? شوێنی دوژمن له كوێیه؟
Play Button When exactly did you see enemy units? Play Button kay yakakaanee doozhminit deet? كه‌ی یه‌كه‌كانی دوژمنت دیت؟
Play Button What types of enemy units did you see? Play Button joree yakakaanee doozhmin chee boon? جۆری یه‌كه‌كانی دوژمن چی بوون؟
Play Button What type of equipment did the enemy units carry? Play Button yakakaanee doozhmin che jora cha kaykeyaan pey boo? یه‌كه‌كانی دوژمن چ جۆره چه كێكیان پێ بوو؟
Play Button Watch for guerilla activities. Play Button chaawderee chaalaakyakaanee gareelaa bika چاودێری چالاكیه‌كانی گه‌ريلا بکه‌
Play Button Watch for conventional enemy forces. Play Button chaawderee koboonaway hezakaanee doozhmin bika چاودێری كۆبوونه وه‌ی هێزه‌كانی دوژمن بكه
Play Button Watch for enemy aircraft. Play Button chaawderee frokakaanee doozhmin bika چاودێری فڕۆكه‌كانی دوژمن بكه
Play Button Report to us about local inhabitants in the area. Play Button raaportekmaan darbaaray Khalchee am naawchaya bidarey ڕاپۆرتێكمان ده‌رباره‌ی خه‌ڵكی ئه‌م ناوچه‌يه‌ بده‌رێ
Play Button Set up signs to show directions and distance to TCPs. Play Button neeshaanay aaraastakirdino dooree Khaalee kontrol daaney نیشانه‌ی ئاراسته‌كردن و دووری خاڵی كۆنتڕۆڵ دانێ
Play Button Direct refugees to refugee routes. Play Button aawaarakaan aaraastay rawtee aawaarakaan bika ئاواره‌كان ئاراسته‌ی ڕه‌وتی ئاواره‌كان بكه
Play Button Search the surrounding area for enemies. Play Button am dawroobara bepishkna bo doozhmin ئه‌م ده‌وروبه‌ره بپشكنه بۆ دوژمن
Play Button Park the team's vehicle in a covered and safe position. Play Button otombelakay teem la shwenechee salaamato daaposhraaw raagra ئۆتۆمبێله‌كه‌ی تیم له شوێنێكی سه‌لامه‌ت و داپۆشراو ڕاگره
Play Button Set up communication with other TCP units. Play Button paywandee la gal Khaalakaanee tree kontrol daa bemazrena په‌يوه‌ندى له‌ گه‌ڵ خاڵه‌کانى ترى کۆنترۆڵ دا بمه‌زرێنه‌
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