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Play Button What communicable diseases in the local population pose the greatest risk to visiting foreigners? Play Button ishnoowa lamraaDh il mu'deeya been is sukaan ilee mumkin itkoon akbar aKhTar 'ala iz zuwaar lajaanib? شنوّه لمراض المُعديه بين السكّان إلّى ممكن تكون أكبر خطر على الزوّار لجانب؟
Play Button What medical conditions are the most common cause of death in this area? Play Button ishnoowa il Haalaat iT Tibeeya ilee titsabib fee il wafaat fil minTqa haaThee? شنوّه الحالات الطبّيه إلّى تِتْسبّب في الوفاة فِلمنطقه هَذِي؟
Play Button Who is the local physician in this area? Play Button ishkoon iTbeeb fil minTqa haaThee? شكون الطبيب فِلمنطَقه هَذِي؟
Play Button Where is he located and how can I contact him? Play Button ween mawjood wu keefaash nitaSil beeh? وين موجود و كيفاش نِتّصِل بيه؟
Play Button What parasites exist in local food and water? Play Button ishnoowa iT Tufayleeyaat il mawjooda fil maa wil maakla? شنوّه إطُفيليات الموجوده فِلْماء وِِلْماكلَه؟
Play Button What diseases infect newborn children? Play Button ishnoowa lamraaDh il mitfashya been iSghaar? شنوّه لمراض المتفشيه بين الصغار؟
Play Button What chemical residues or foreign substances exist in the environment and may contribute to illness? Play Button ishnoowa il baqaaya il keemyaaweeya wala il mawaad il mitlawtha il mawjooda fil hawaa wilee mumkin itsabib lamraaDh? شنوّه البقايا الكيمياويّه ولاّ المواد المتلوثه الموجوده فِلََهْواء وِلِّي مُمكن تسبّب لمراض؟
Play Button What sexually transmitted diseases are common in the local populace? Play Button ishnoowa lamraaDh il jinseeya il mu'deeya il mawjooda been 'aamat in naas? شنوّه لمراض الجنسيّه المُعديه الموجوده بِين عامة الناس؟
Play Button What diseases infect local livestock? Play Button ishnoowa lamraaDh ilee itdoor been il maashya? شنوّه لمراض إلّي تدور بين الماشيه؟
Play Button What sanitation problems affect the local population? Play Button ishnoowa mashaakil inDhaafa ilee it-athir 'ala sukaan il maHaleeyeen? شنوّه مشاكل النظافه إلّي تأثّر على السكّان المحلّيين؟
Play Button Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical contamination in the area? Play Button fama talawith nawawee wala beeyoolojee wala keemyaawee fil minTqa? فمّه تلوّث نووى ولاّ بيولوجى ولاّ كيمياوى فّلمنطقه؟
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