The name of the village |
got jo naalo |
ڳوٺ جو نالو |
The location of the village |
got keRey jaay tey waakey aahey |
ڳوٺ ڪهڙي جاءِ تي واقع آهي |
Is there road access for cars? |
ootey wanyarn laay kaaR jo Rasto aahey? |
اتي وڃڻ لاءِ ڪار جو رستو آهي؟ |
Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? |
ootey wanan laay chaaR peetan waaRee gaadee jo Rasto aahey? |
اتي وڃڻ لاءِ چار ڦيٿن واري گاڏي جو رستو آهي؟ |
Is there a road access for trucks? |
ootey wanarn laay tRaka jo Rasto aahey? |
اتي وڃڻ لاءِ ٽرڪ جو رستو آهي؟ |
How many locals are there? |
makaamee marnoo kitRaa aahin? |
مقامي ماڻهو ڪيترا آهن؟ |
How many refugees are there? |
kitRaa pan-haageeR aahin? |
ڪيترا پناهگير آهن؟ |
How many returnees are there? |
kitRaa vaapas teyl aahin? |
ڪيترا واپس ٿيل آهن؟ |
Who is the community leader? |
bRaadRee jo agwarn keyR aahey? |
برادريءِ جو اڳواڻ ڪير آهي؟ |
Who is responsible for food distribution? |
kaadey jey vRaasata jo zimeyvaaR keyR aahey? |
کاڌي جي ورهاست جو ذميوار ڪير آهي؟ |
Where is the local warehouse? |
makaamee godaam kitey aahey? |
مقامي گدام ڪٿي آهي؟ |
Is there a storage facility? |
hitey zaKheeRey kaRarn jee sahoolat aahey? |
هتي ذخيري ڪرڻ جي سهولت آهي؟ |
Is this village used for secondary distribution? |
hee gota beyn gotan key vRaasata laay isteymaal keyo veendo aahey? |
هي ڳوٺ ٻين ڳوٺن کي ورهاست لاءِ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي؟ |
Which villages receive assistance from this village? |
kitRaa gota hina gota maa madada haasil kandaa aahin? |
ڪهڙا ڳوٺ هن ڳوٺ مان مدد حاصل ڪندا آهن؟ |
How many damaged houses in this village? |
hina gota mey kitRaa nuksaan potal gaR aahin? |
هن ڳوٺ ۾ ڪيترا نقصان پهتل گهر آهن؟ |
How many unfinished houses in this village? |
hina gota mey kitRaa urna mukamil gaR aahin? |
هن ڳوٺ ۾ ڪيترا اڻ مڪمل گهر آهن؟ |
Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? |
jeyRey kaa peRee chaa key ney janga mey amaaRatan key nuksaan potal ho? |
جهيڙي کان پهرين ڇا ڪنهن نئين جنگ ۾ عمارتن کي نقصان پهتل هو؟ |
Is there a school in the village? |
gota mey ko iskool aahey? |
ڳوٺ ۾ ڪو اسڪول آهي؟ |
Is there a mosque / church in the village? |
gota mey kaa masjid / kaleesaa aahey? |
ڳوٺ ۾ ڪا مسجد / ڪليسا آهي؟ |
Is there a bakery? |
kaa beykRee aahey? |
ڪا بيڪري آهي؟ |