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Play Button What is your given name? Play Button tawhaa jo naalo chaa aahey? توهان جو نالو ڇا آهي؟
Play Button What is your family name? Play Button tawhaa jee zaat keRee aahey? توهان جي ذات ڪهڙي آهي؟
Play Button What is your nationality? Play Button tawhaa jee komeeyat keRee aahey? توهان جي قوميت ڪهڙي آهي؟
Play Button What country were you born in? Play Button tawhaa keRey mulka mey peydaa tyaa? توهان ڪهڙي ملڪ ۾ پيدا ٿيا؟
Play Button How old are you? Play Button tawhaa jee oomeR kitRee aahey? توهان جي عمر ڪيتري آهي؟
Play Button Do you have an identity card? Play Button tawhaa key shanaaKhatee kaRd aahey? توهان کي شناختي ڪارڊ آهي؟
Play Button Show me your identification. Play Button tawhaa penjee shanaaKhat kRaayo توهان پنهنجي شناخت ڪرايو.
Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button hina alaaykey mey kitRaa marnhoo Rahan taa? هن علائقي ۾ ڪيترا ماڻهو رهن ٿا؟
Play Button Who is the leader of this community? Play Button hina alaaykey jo agwaarn keyR aahey? هن علائقي جو اڳواڻ ڪير آهي؟
Play Button What is his name? Play Button huna jo naalo chaa aahey? هن جو نالو ڇا آهي؟
Play Button Please write down his name. Play Button meheRbaanee kaRey hina jo naalo liko مهرباني ڪري هن جو نالو لکو.
Play Button Show us the leader. Play Button asaankey agwarna deykaRo اسان کي اڳواڻ ڏيکاريو.
Play Button How many men and women live in this community? Play Button hina bRaadaRee mey kitRaa maRda ey oRtoo Ran tyoo? هن برادريءَ ۾ ڪيترا مرد ۽ عورتون رهن ٿيون؟
Play Button How many children live here? Play Button hitey kitRaa baaRa Ran taa? هتي ڪيترا ٻار رهن ٿا؟
Play Button Are there schools here for the children? Play Button chaa hitey baaRen laay iskool aahin? ڇا هتي ٻارن لاءِ اسڪول آهن؟
Play Button Is there enough potable water for the people? Play Button chaa hitey maaRun laay peeyarn jo parnee kaafee aahey? ڇا هتي ماڻهن لاءِ پيئڻ جو پاڻي ڪافي آهي؟
Play Button Is there a water well? Play Button chaa hitey paarniya jo koo aahey? ڇا هتي پاڻيءَ جو کوهہ آهي؟
Play Button Is there a public fountain? Play Button hitey ko avaamee poohaaRo aahey? هتي ڪو عوامي ڦوهارو آهي؟
Play Button Are there any medics here? Play Button chaa hitey ko tabeeb aahey? ڇا هتي ڪي طبيب آهن؟
Play Button Are there any engineers? Play Button chaa hitey key injineyR aahin? ڇا هتي ڪي انجنيئر آهن؟
Play Button Are there any teachers? Play Button chaa hitey key oostaad aahin? ڇا هتي ڪي استاد آهن؟
Play Button Are there empty buildings here? Play Button chaa hitey key Khaalee jayoo aahin? ڇا هتي ڪي خالي جايون آهن؟
Play Button Is there a local police force? Play Button chaa hitey makaanee polees ataalo aahey? ڇا هتي مڪاني پوليس اٽالو آهي؟
Play Button Who is responsible for public safety here? Play Button hitey maaRun jey tahafuz jo zimeyvaaR keyR aahey? هتي ماڻهن جي تحفظ جو ذميوار ڪير آهي؟
Play Button Whose responsibility is fire protection? Play Button baahi kaa bachaa jee zimeyvaaRee kenjee aahey? باهہ کان بچاءَ جي ذميواري ڪنهنجي آهي؟
Play Button Do you have fire fighting equipment? Play Button chaa tawhaa vat baahi visaarn jaa ozaaR aahin? ڇا توهان وٽ باهہ وسائڻ جا اوزار آهن؟
Play Button Do you have a fire engine? Play Button chaa tawhaa vat baah visaarn vaaRee eenjern aahey? ڇا توهان وٽ باهہ وسائڻ واري انجڻ آهي؟
Play Button Who do you call in case of an accident? Play Button tawhaa haadsey jee sooRat mey kan key fon kanda aayho? توهان حادثي جي صورت ۾ ڪنهن کي فون ڪندا آهيو؟
Play Button Are there operational emergency vehicles here? Play Button chaa hitey hangaamee sooRat-haal laay kaaRgaR gaadyoo aahin? ڇا هتي هنگامي صورتحال لاءِ ڪارگر گاڏيون آهن؟
Play Button How many telephones do you have in the area? Play Button hina alaaykey mey kitRaa fon aahin? هن علائقي ۾ ڪيترا فون آهن؟
Play Button How many homes have telephones here? Play Button hitey kitRan gaRan mey fon aahin? هتي ڪيترن گهرن ۾ فون آهن؟
Play Button Is there a functioning police station? Play Button chaa hitey ko mutahaRik polees tarnwa aahey? ڇا هتي ڪو متحرڪ پوليس ٿاڻو آهي؟
Play Button How many personnel are still on the job? Play Button ootey kitRo amlo anyaa taaee nokRee kaRey Reyo aahey? اتي ڪيتروعملو اڃا تائين نوڪري ڪري رهيو آهي؟
Play Button What's the means of communication? Play Button mowaasalaat jo keRo zaReeyo aahey? مواصلات جو ڪهڙو ذريعو آهي؟
Play Button Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? Play Button chaa polees aamReeka jey madad kaansavaay kam kaRey sagey tee? ڇا پوليس آمريڪا جي مدد کانسواءِ ڪم ڪري سگهي ٿي؟
Play Button Can U.S. forces depend on the local police to perform their duties as needed? Play Button chaa aamReeka zaRooRat jey waqt makaanee polees tey baaRey sagey tee? ڇا آمريڪا ضرورت جي وقت مڪاني پوليس تي ڀاڙي سگهي ٿي؟
Play Button How many vehicles are available? Play Button ketRiyoo gadyoo mojood aahin? ڪيتريون گاڏيون موجود آهن؟
Play Button What is the telephone number? Play Button fon nambar chaa aahey? فون نمبر ڇا آهي؟
Play Button Do you use radio communications? Play Button chaa tawhaa Reydiyo mowaasalaat kam mamey arneendaa aayo? ڇا توهان ريڊيو مواصلات ڪم ۾ آڻيندا آهيو؟
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