Put your hands on the steering wheel and do not move them. |
panjaa hata veela tey Rak ey oonan key na choR |
پنهنجا هٿ ويل تي رک ۽ انهن کي نہ چور. |
You are breaking the curfew. |
tawhaa kaRfyoo key toRey Reyaa aayo |
توهان ڪرفيو کي ٽوڙي رهيا آهيو. |
You were speeding. |
tawhaa teyz RaftaaRee key pey |
توهان تيزرفتاري ڪئي پئي. |
The curfew is in effect. |
kaRfyoo laagoo tee chooko aahey |
ڪرفيو لاڳو ٿي چڪو آهي. |
Did you know there is a curfew? |
tawhaankey KhabaR aahey ta kaRfyoo lagal aahey? |
توهان کي خبر آهي تہ ڪرفيو لڳل آهي؟ |
The streets are not safe right now. |
hinavakt gatyoo meh-fooz naahin |
هنوقت گهٽيون محفوظ ناهن. |
We will escort you to your relatives. |
asaa tawhaa key tawhaajey maay tey wat watee halandaasee |
اسان توهان کي توهانجي مائٽن وٽ وٺي هلنداسين. |
The police station will give you information about curfew. |
kaRfyoo motaalik poolees isteyshan tawhaa key jaarn dindee |
ڪرفيو متعلق پوليس اسٽيشن توهان کي ڄاڻ ڏيندي. |
Turn off the engine. |
eenjern band kaRyo |
انجڻ بند ڪريو. |
Get out of your vehicle. |
penjee gaadee maa baahiR acho |
پنهنجي گاڏي مان ٻاهر اچو. |
May I see your ID, please? |
maa tawhaa jee shanaaKhat disee sagaa to? |
مان توهان جي شناخت ڏسي سگهان ٿو؟ |
Where are you going? |
tawhaa keydaa vanyee Reyaa aayo? |
توهان ڪيڏانهن وڃي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you carrying any weapons? |
tawhaa key hatyaaRa kanee vanyee Reyaa aayo? |
توهان ڪي هٿيار کڻي وڃي رهيا آهيو؟ |
How much money are you carrying? |
tawhaa paarn saa gad kitRaa peysaa karnee vanyee Reyaa aayo? |
توهان پاڻ سان گڏ ڪيترا پيسا کڻي وڃي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Who gave you the money? |
tawhaa key peysaa kahin dinaa aahin? |
توهان کي پئسا ڪنهن ڏنا آهن؟ |
Do you have a gun under the seat? |
tawhaaje seeta jey heytaa bandook aahey chaa? |
توهان جي سيٽ جي هيٺان بندوق آهي ڇا؟ |
Are you hiding anything illegal? |
chaa tawhaa kaa gheyR kaanoonee shey likaay Reyaa aayo? |
ڇا توهان ڪا غيرقانوني شئي لڪائي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Since you broke the law, we have to arrest you. |
jeeya ta tawhaa kaanoon toRyo aahey, asaankey tawhaa key gRiftaaR karnoo pondo |
جيئن ته توهان قانون ٽوڙيو آهي، اسان کي توهان کي گرفتار ڪرڻو پوندو. |
We have to take you to the police station. |
asaankey tawhaankey polees isteyshan vatee vanyrnwa aahey |
اسان کي توهان کي پوليس اسٽيشن وٺي وڃڻو آهي. |
You will ride with us to the police station. |
tawhaa key asaa saa poolees isteyshan daa halarno pondo |
توهان کي اسان سان پوليس اسٽيشن ڏانهن هلڻو پوندو. |
We detained this man at ___. |
asaa hina maaRun key ___ vat nathaRband keyo |
اسان هن ماڻهو کي ___ وٽ نظربند ڪيو. |
He broke the curfew. |
hina kaRfyoo jee Khilaaf vaRzee key |
هن ڪرفيو جي خلاف ورزي ڪئي. |
Can you help verify the man's identity? |
tawhaa hina maron key sunyaaran mey madad kandaa? |
توهان هن ماڻهو کي سڃاڻڻ ۾ مدد ڪندا؟ |
He was hiding a gun. |
hee hika bandooka likaaye Reyo ho |
هيءُ هڪ بندوق لڪائي رهيو هو. |