Do you have pain in this joint I'm touching? |
jahin joRa key maa choohee Reyo aahyaa, oona mey tawhaankey sooR aahey? |
جنهن جوڙ کي مان ڇهي رهيو آهيان، ان ۾ توهان کي سور آهي؟ |
Do you have pain in any other joint? |
tawhaankey kahin bey joRa mey sooR aahey? |
توهان کي ڪنهن ٻئي جوڙ ۾ سور آهي؟ |
Which joint hurts the most? |
keRo joR sab kaa gaanoo dukey to? |
ڪهڙو جوڙ سڀ کان گھڻو ڏکي ٿو؟ |
Do you have pain in this muscle I'm touching? |
tawhaankey gana mushka mey sooR aahey jahin key maa chuhee Reyo aahyaa? |
توهان کي ڳن مشڪ ۾ سور آهي جنهن کي مان ڇهي رهيو آهيان؟ |
Do you have pain in any other muscle? |
tawhaankey kahin bey mushka mey sooR aahey? |
توهان کي ڪنهن ٻئي مشڪ ۾ سور آهي؟ |
Where is the muscle pain? |
mushka sooR kitey aahey? |
مشڪ سور ڪٿي آهي؟ |
Is this muscle cramping? |
chaa mushka maRoR jey paee? |
ڇا مشڪ مروڙجي پئي؟ |
Have you ever had any broken bones? |
chaa tawhaajaa key hada kadey bagaa aahin? |
ڇا توهانجا ڪي هڏا ڪڏنهن ڀڳا آهن؟ |
What bones have you broken? |
keRaa hadaa tawhaa bagaa aahin? |
ڪهڙا هڏا توهان ڀڳا آهن؟ |
Does it hurt when I do this? |
chaa sooR tyey to jadey maa heeya kayaa to? |
ڇا سور ٿئي ٿو جڏهن مان هينئن ڪيان ٿو؟ |
You need a cast to help the bone heal. |
hadey chutaayirn laay pato chaaR harnoo pondo |
هڏي ڇتائڻ لاءِ پٽو چاڙهڻو پوندو. |
Do not remove the cast. |
patey key na laayjo |
پٽي کي نه لاهجو. |
Do not get the cast wet. |
patey key aalo na tyern dijo |
پٽي کي آلو نه ٿيڻ ڏجو. |
You need a splint to help the injury heal. |
tokey chapReeya jee zaRooRat aahey ta jeeya zaKham chutey |
توکي چپڙيءَ جي ضرورت آهي تہ جيئن زخم ڇتي. |
You may take the splint off to clean yourself. |
paarna key saaf kaRarn laaye tawhaankey chapReeya key paRey keRarno pondo |
پاڻ کي صاف ڪرڻ لاءِ توهانکي چپڙيءَ کي پري ڪرڻو پوندو. |
The splint must be replaced after you have cleaned yourself. |
tawhaankey safaayey kaRarn kaapoey chapRee zaRooRee vaapas lagaayirn guRjey |
توهان کي صفائي ڪرڻ کانپوءِ چپڙي ضروري واپس لڳائڻ گهرجي. |
You need a metal plate and screws to help the healing of your bone. |
tawhaankey daato jee hik pleyt eyn iskRoo guRjin jee tawhaa jee bagal hadee key joRey sagjey |
توهان کي ڌاتو جي هڪ پليٽ ۽ اسڪرو گهرجن جيئن توهان جي ڀڳل هڏي کي جوڙي سگهجي. |
We need to take you to the Operating Room to perform an operation on you. |
aapReyshan kaRarn laay tawhaankey aapReyshan room mey vatee vanyrno aahey |
آپريشن ڪرڻ لاءِ توهان کي آپريشن روم ۾ وٺي وڃڻو آهي. |