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Play Button Do you have any chest pain or tightness? Play Button tawhaankey ko chaateeya mey sooR yaa sooRaayip aahey? توهان کي ڪو ڇاتي ۾ سور يا سوڙهائپ آهي؟
Play Button Are you having trouble trying to breathe? Play Button chaa tawhaankey saah karnarn mey kaa soRa tee Rahee aahey? ڇا توهان کي ساهه کڻڻ ۾ ڪا سوڙهہ ٿي رهي آهي؟
Play Button Do you have chest pain over your entire chest? Play Button tawhaankey sadyee chaateeya mey sooR aahey? توهان کي سڄي ڇاتي ۾ سور آهي؟
Play Button Do you have pain from your chest into your arm? Play Button tawhaankey chaatee kaa vatee baaha taayee sooR aahey? توهان کي ڇاتي کان وٺي ٻانهن تائين سور آهي؟
Play Button Have you had this type of chest pain before? Play Button chaa hina kisma jo sooR tawhaankey peheReen be tyo aahey? ڇا هن قسم جو سور توهان کي پهرين بہ ٿيو آهي؟
Play Button Do you feel light-headed with the chest pain? Play Button chaa tawhaa chaatee jey sooR saa gadu mato halko meh-soos kaRyo taa? ڇا توهان ڇاتي جي سور سان گڏ مٿو هلڪو محسوس ڪيو ٿا؟
Play Button Do you sweat with the chest pain? Play Button tawhaankey chaatee jey sooRa saa gadu pagaR be tyey to? توهان کي ڇاتي جي سور سان گڏ پگھر بہ ٿئي ٿو؟
Play Button This heart pill may give you a headache. Play Button heeya dil jee goRee tawhaankey matey mey sooR vijindee هي دل جي گوري توهان کي مٿي ۾ سور وجهندي.
Play Button This will go under your tongue. Play Button heeya tawhaa jey zabaan heytaa vindee هيءَ توهان جي زبان هيٺان ويندي.
Play Button Chew this and swallow it. Play Button oonakey chabaaRey eyn gee chadyo ان کي چٻاڙي ۽ ڳهي ڇڏيو.
Play Button Let us take care of you. Play Button asaankey tawhaajee saaR sambaal kaRarn dyo اسان کي توهان جي سارسنڀال ڪرڻ ڏيو.
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